Chapter Twenty-Two: The Elders Court

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I wake up to Fergus quietly saying my name, trying to wake me.

"What time is it?"


"In the morning? What's wrong? Who's dead?"

"Nothing and no one. I have a surprise for you."

"I hate surprises. Goodnight."

He laughs and grabs my hand, and I groan.

"This better be worth it."

"Oh, I think it will."

He opens the bedroom door to a path of candles and flower petals.

"What's this?"

"You'll see."

"Are these dahlia petals?"


"That's my favorite flower."

"I know."

I smile, and he leads me outside, where the trail of candles and flower petals continues. He shifts, and I do the same.

"Follow me, my beautiful girl."

"When did you do all of this?"

"I just finished when I woke you up."

"When did you get up?"

"At one. I had an appointment elsewhere, though."

"You had an appointment at one in the morning?"

"I know the guy, and he owed me."

"Owed you what?"

"A favor."

"What kind of..."

"Stop asking questions and just follow me."

We keep walking and end up at a small stream. It looks like the one I like by the field. It's a bit deeper, but that's a plus. I wade in and splash around, and Fergus laughs.

"You look like a kid again. Having fun?"

"Yeah. It's refreshing."

"That's not why we're here."


"Why would I wake you up at five-thirty in the morning to splash in a stream?"

"I don't know."

He shifts back and walks onto a blanket I didn't notice before. Then, he picks up some clothes, throws them on, and then picks up the clothes he brought for me.

"You gonna stay in wolf form?"

I shift back and put the clothes on, and he takes my hand as we sit together. He has a small basket with some food and my favorite wine. He pours some in a glass for me, but I take the bottle, and he laughs.

"You gonna drink that whole thing?"

"I'll share. Why did you do all of this? It's beautiful."

"I love you and wanted us to have a nice date."

"Before the sun comes up?"


"Ok, Fergus, what are we doing here? It isn't for a picnic."

"I told you. A date."

"Who is she?"

He looks around with a confused look, and I try my best to stay calm. My heart is getting out of control, and I don't want him to hear it.

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