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The Castilla Adrieux Estate

The Basement | Home Theater

Thursday, September 10th

6:19 PM

She finds herself feeling so very glad that Belle is not like all the other babies that seem to spend all their time screaming and crying. Olivia's and Claire's baby, for example, hasn't stopped wailing since they picked her up from the playpen, but she's sure that's more to do with Olivia's terrible parenting skills than the baby itself. I mean, honestly, trying to shove a straw in its mouth and feed it Diet Coke? She rolls her eyes at the memory itself. Thankfully, Belle had happily settled down in the crib in her room (it was her baby brother's old crib that she'd had Luna bring out of storage) and a baby monitor was tucked onto Cam's belt loop. The bag of popcorn in her lap is slowly dwindling from her and Cam's continued snacking, but Luna had made some absolutely delectable Marshmallow Caramel popcorn that she can't help but continue to sample. The bag of gummy worms, too, is going quickly, as they've been feeding the sugar-covered candies to each other ever since they sat down.

There's a murmur in her cinema room as the group anxiously waits for the six o'clock news to start the featurette on the overflow trailers. It's quite cramped, for the movie theater was only built for twenty-five and there are forty teenagers inside, but with an abundance of lapping (where she'd happily shoved a blushing Becca onto an equally red-faced Josh Hotz' lap) and some double seating the group of overflow students fit snugly. The snack bar to the side was packed to the brim and quickly being picked off as people grew increasingly anxious for the start of the program.

She's tucked sideways on Cam's lap, his arm around her back to support her as her head rests on his shoulder. He's cozy, almost like a moving furnace and Cam hisses, giving her a not-so-heated glare as she shoves her cold feet under his thighs. When she looks up at him innocently, eyes widening and quickly shining dewy, a smile twitched onto his lips and he kisses her nose, making it scrunch cutely as she giggled and continued to munch happily on their popcorn, fingers becoming increasingly sticky.

"Of course the megalodon would win," Cassia scoffs. Despite the somewhat-heated debate the two were having, she remains nuzzled into him and Cam, in a split second, thinks that his girlfriend is much like a cat what with her constant love of cuddling . . . not that he minded in the least.

"Yeah, but the great white has lasers, Cassia, lasers," Cam pressed, digging into the popcorn bag.

"Yeah, but how powerful could they be underwater, and the megalodon is huge!"

"Agree to disagree, then," Cam mumbles around his mouthful of popcorn.

"No, I'm right." Cassis sniffs, before squealing as Cam squeezes her side where he knows that she's ticklish and swatting at his hands, the soles of her feet (they were now warmly tucked in fuzzy socks for Cam's whining about her cold feet was getting to be annoying rather than cute) kicking at his calves when he laughs.

"It's starting," someone calls from the back, and everyone is quieting down and turning towards the screen where a shot of the cobblestone pathways fill the screen. Cassia leans forward and away from her boyfriend's neck to better face the screen, Cam's hands quickly steadying her hips as she does so. The vibrant colors of the bushes lining the sides of the paths burst brightly on the screen and the marbled cobblestone looks as if its been brushed with glitter as it shimmers in the sunlight. The camera pans upwards, showing the shiny, polished points of red-soled pumps, to the fluttering legs of ivory pants, a glossy belt before finally landing on Winkie Porter - hair slicked, makeup matte, and laser-whitened teeth shining. The lens pulled back and all three trailers, looking absolutely luxurious against the morning sun are in the background as Winkie begins to speak.

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