Chapter 6 - Phoebe

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My heart beat wildly in my chest and I stared at Cara in shock.

"You could make good money from it. You don't need to do anything else just give permission to use the footage they've already got." She explained calmly.

How could she be so calm? I wrapped my arms around myself, "And I won't have to be filmed again?"

"Not if you don't want to."

"Ok," I said, my tone uncertain.

"Great," she clapped her hands together, "Give me a moment and I'll negotiate a contract for you."

She skipped back over to the camera crew, clearly in her element as she prepared to negotiate on my behalf.

I kept my head down and shifted from one foot to the other. I was overwhelmed, my body still reacting to his presence and my skin flushed so it was obvious for all the world to see. I grabbed my phone and typed in the band name. The top image was of them on stage, sweat shining on their skin. A bra swung, caught on the guitar of one of the guys.

You could feel their energy. The heat and atmosphere under the pulsing lights should have seemed alien but they looked more at home there than stood in this library. I could understand why people threw their underwear at them. Hell, I would have thrown an entire laundry basket full at him if I could when he was singing to me.

I took a steadying breath. This was not how I had imagined this day going. I felt like my sheltered little life in my bubble had been popped and the world was louder and more intense than it had been before.

I dared to sneak a peak at them all again. Cara was still deep in conversation, her hands waving around as she spoke. Victoria look equally animated in her response.

He was looking directly at me and I suddenly realised I didn't even know his name.

'Pull yourself together' I scolded myself. This was not the time to lose my head over a guy.

I had been burned before, with my first crush. Nate was the year above me and he had it all, brains, looks, sporting star and he wanted to go on a date with me. I was thrilled. Until his mates turned up to take photos of me stood waiting for him. I waited for nearly an hour before I accepted he wasn't coming. Those photos of me waiting made it round the school the next day and whilst the laughter faded, that sting of betrayal went a lot deeper.

That night I promised myself I'd never let my heart be hurt like that again. Then Nanna needed me and I was able to lose myself in her care and my books.

This guy would definitely hurt me. I could see it in his cocksure smile and eyes I could drown in.

"Hey," a soft voice jolted me out of my internal meltdown.

I looked up into the cause of all my troubles. He gave a sheepish smile, hands in his pockets and rocking back on his feet like a naughty school boy. He took a deep breath and then stuck his hand out, "So I'm Elliott. Nice to meet you."

I stared at his hand a second before shaking it gingerly. My palm was sweating but he didn't react or wipe his hand on himself like I expected. "Phoebe." I offered as a response.

The silence that followed stretched awkwardly. "So I can see that our little scene embarrassed you and I wanted to say sorry." He rubbed the back of his head as he spoke.

He sounded sincere but the audience of cameras and band members made it a little difficult to judge. "S'okay." I mumbled.

"It's not really though," he said earnestly, "I forget that some people aren't used to this kind of world and acting like this."

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