Chapter 22 - Phoebe

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The morning passed in a whirlwind of phone calls and meetings. Cara's usually unflappable calm thrown off slightly. I wasn't sure if she was stressed out the press or the frankly disastrous state of my love life.

It hadn't taken them long to dig into my non-existent romantic history. We were in the car travelling between appointments when I first discovered just how far they would go.

The murmur of the radio was background noise until I heard my name.

"-did you two meet?" the presenter asked.

The achingly familiar voice that had haunted me for years responded quickly, "School. We went to school together."

"And were you two close?" the presenter asked and I leaned forwards in my seat to listen.

"As we could be. I actually asked her on a date." Nate replied.

Yeah, you did. Don't forget to mention that you set me up for total social destruction before the entirety of the school. A move that ostracised me from the few friends I had had. No one wanted to be on the radar of the hottest guys in school for hanging out with a loser.

I could still remember the rushing noise in my ears as I had stared at the picture of me waiting for him with the word 'desperate' scrawled at my feet. A little make-up on and wearing my favourite top. One I hadn't worn since but remained crumpled in the bottom of the wardrobe as a constant reminder.

It was there when I flung open the doors the night I returned from the only date I had been on. I had rubbed the taste of my first kiss off on it. Barely able to think of Dribbly Denny without feeling sick.

I shook my head to stop myself from falling down the slippery slope of memory lane.

"How did that go?" the presenter's eager voice prompted.

Nate laughed, "Well let's just say I know how Hawk feels."

My jaw dropped and I wanted to scream at the injustice of him telling this story. "Scum bag." I whispered, glaring down at the fists I had clenched in my lap.

"Hmmmm?" Cara's head popped up at the noise.

My eyes filled with tears and I pointed at the radio. "He's a liar."

Cara looked concerned, "Can we switch that off?" she asked the taxi driver.

"No," I said quickly, "I want to hear what he says."

The driver glanced over his shoulder before returning his eyes to the road, "If it helps kid, I don't believe him."

I gave him a watery smile, "Thank you."

It didn't really help but it did comfort me a little to know at least one person believed me as I returned my focus to the liar speaking on Capital FM.

"-she was a real flirt. Loads of the guys were interested." Nate chuckled.

What guys? The ones you had laughing at me?

"So you're saying she might be leading Elliott on?" the presenter was hungry for gossip and as much as it irritated me, I couldn't blame them. They had a job to do

"I'm saying she's a tease but I don't blame Elliott for being interested." Nate laughed.

"That's all we got time for I'm afraid. Thanks Nathan. Next up-" The presenter launched into introducing the next song and I slumped back in my seat.

"Are you ok?" Cara asking leaning into my view.

"Why?" I asked, "Why are they allowed to lie about me like that?"

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