Chapter 46 - Phoebe (Epilogue)

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6 months later

Sweat stuck hair to Elliott's forehead as he bounded backstage and I could see him scanning the room for me. A little wave caught his attention and he rushed over, to press a heart-stopping kiss to my lips. 

"How was it?" He asked.

They were perfect, incredible even. As they always were but I wasn't about to make his head any bigger. "You were all great." I smiled at the band over his shoulder. 

Erik pulled me into a hug and ruffled my hair the way an older brother would. I squeal and try to escape as we all laugh. 

"I can't believe it's over." Kyle says softly.

He's quiet but I've noticed him coming out of his shell more and more around me recently.

"I swear this tour went so much more quickly than the last. What has everyone got planned over our little break?" Chris asks.

One of the most exciting things they have coming up is recording music for a movie but there are two months until they need to do that so everyone has planned to break away and do something just for them.

"We," Elliott says, pulling me in for a hug, "Are going on a romantic getaway. Sandy beaches, Phoebe in a bikini, nice food, sunshine and Phoebe in a bikini."

As his voice trails off dreamily I elbow him in the side and roll my eyes.

"We are going on a nice holiday so I can read my books in the sunshine." I correct.

Elliott rubs his hip dramatically but shoots me a good natured grin.

"I'm going to be doing some voluntary work." Kyle offers up.

"Oh that's so cool man, where?" Erik asks as he flops down into one of the armchairs in the dressing room we have all ended up in.

"A military rehab centre. Going to try some music therapy with them." His eyes take on that faraway look he gets whenever he thinks about music. 

"Well I'm planning to head over to the wonderful USA early and sleep my way through each city until you guys get there." Chris laughs, eyebrows waggling.

Despite his status as something of a womaniser I have slowly been discovering he's much sweeter than he lets on. The guys cheer and high five in a typical "lads" way that makes me cringe. 

Although they've improved under my guidance they are still very much a work in progress.

"How about you?" I ask Erik.

He looks thoughtful for a moment, "I don't know really. For once I don't really have anything set in stone."

"Go with the flow man, you never know where it will take you." Elliott says, his eyes focused on me.

"Yeah, I think I will. Might even head home for a bit." He muses.

"Just promise we will stay in touch." I ask them all.

"Pinky promise." Chris teases and the others nod in agreement before laughter and conversation breaks out again.

I think back to the girl I was when they first came into the library. Shy, quiet,boring and somewhat lonely. Now here I am. Still shy and still quiet around people I don't know. But I've lived through experiences some girls only dream of and ones that have changed me forever.

Eliott's hand squeezes mine. How could I ever be lonely again with him at my side.

The End

Authors notes: 

Thank you so much for joining me on Elliott and Phoebe's journey! This story originally started as a concept for my NaNoWriMo 2021 project. Unfortunately I got stuck and couldn't make it work - especially as I had a three month old (yeah, I'm still not quite sure how I thought that was going to work!). After revisiting the idea in late 2021 I found myself filled with new ideas and inspiration which helped the rest of the story flow until I finished it today. It's crazy to me that anyone will have read all of this but if you did, I hope you enjoyed it.

Although originally intended to be a standalone I am considering writing each band member's story. I have a rough idea of what will happen for each of them but as a pantser I never really plan anything so each story will come to me as I write. All I know is the names of some of the future characters and that each story will be a standalone. 

So who would you like to see next? 

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