Chapter 23 - Elliott

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'See you later' I read and reread it. Did that mean she was looking forward to it? Or was she having second thoughts? Texting was literally the worst for understanding how someone was feeling.

I groaned and ran a hand through my hair, I needed to put a certain adorable librarian to the back of my mind. It was time to impress the reporters. I joined the boys in the hallway, walking down to our next interview.

"Sorted?" Victoria asked with a small smile on her face.

"Yeah. I just need to find a way to convince her dating me wouldn't be so bad." I laughed.

"Dating or going on a date? There's a big difference."

I shrugged, "I don't want to put labels on this."

"Hate to break it to you but I think Phoebe is a label or nothing girl." Chris chuckled, clapping me on the back.

"How do you know?" I asked

"I've got good a dodging her type." He laughed again, bouncing around me.

"What he means is, she is the kind of girl you take home, not take to parties." Erik said over his shoulder.

"Why does everyone have to be so serious. Can't we just have fun and see where is goes?" I groaned.

"That's up to Phoebe really isn't it?" Victoria threw back and I rolled my eyes.

A brief wave of irritation crossed her face and I wondered if she was ok. I had never seen anything other than the professional side of her, so this was new.

Her face smoothed into that calm expression again so quickly I almost thought I had imagined it. "Well you'd better work out what you're able to handle before you take it too far. I've got Cara onside about tonight, but she would have my head if she thought you wanted to string her girl along."

The warning in her voice was clear and I ran my hand through my hair again. It was an unconsciously nervous habit I hadn't been able to shake.

I didn't get a chance to reply as we stopped outside a plain-looking cream door.

"Right guys. This is one of the Daily Mail Entertainment correspondents, Asher Stelzner. I've said no questions about Phoebe but he's probably still going to try to find a way to get something out of you on it. Elliott it's your call how you answer it. I'm leaving that to you."

I heard the implied 'don't mess it up' and nodded.

Hand on the door handle. Rockstar face on and two bounces on my heels before I opened it and headed in. "Hey, Asher is it? Great to meet you, I'm Elliott." I said breezy and friendly as I moved forward quickly to shake the waiting hand.

"Great to meet you." He replied, moving along the line as the others introduced themselves.

He gestured to the sofas behind him and we all followed his lead to sit down. "So, it's great to meet you guys. I'm filming this, for my reference but the footage will be kept private." He explained, pointing to the camera placed on the tripod over his shoulder.

"No problem man." Erik said casually but I still felt Kyle shrink back into the sofa beside me.

"So, I guess we should start with how you have been since the last tour? There have been a lot of rumours about where you've been so what's the truth?"

Oh he was good. "We have been really focused on making music and we really hope the fans are going to enjoy hearing it as much as we enjoyed making it." Kyle surprised me by answering before any of us could.

Asher seemed surprised to hear from him too, "Kyle, you're quite a private person but have there been any dramas in the band that you'd like to address?"

Kyle shrank back again, and I knew that was pretty much all we were going to get out of him. Victoria recognised it too. "They've already answered that question. Can we move this along, there are lot of other interviews today?" She said with a tight smile.

Asher nodded, "Of course. So how different is the new material to the original tracks your fans know and love?"

"Well the fans know and love our style, so we promise that isn't changing but some of the new tracks are a bit edgier than last time. We've got a great set of collabs with some pretty amazing people, so it has been a really amazing experience creating this." Erik explained.

"Talking of collaboration," Asher said slyly, and I knew he had found his in, "Are there any relationships or romances you can share with me." He leaned forwards for our responses.

"Well we all know I'm in love with myself." Chris struck a pose and we all forced laughter. "But no, seriously, we met some great people during this. I've learnt a lot from them, and I really hope it shows in our music."

Asher might be good but ever the charmer, Chris was better. I hid a smile behind my hand as I feigned a sneeze.

"Elliott," Asher was trying again, "There is a lot of discussion about you in the media right now." I heard the warning noise in Victoria's cough off to my left. "But do you want to set the record straight on relationships?"

I met Victoria's eye and shook my head slightly to say I could handle it, "As Chris said, we've met and worked with a lot of great people. I've made a lot of friends and contacts who I really hope to work with again."

Asher's eyes lit with hunger, "And when do you next plan on seeing these friends?"

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, he was not about to give this up, "Some of them like Lil Leo and Galaxy are joining us on tour." I smiled.

"It will be great to see them again." Erik put in, "Galaxy opened for us on out last tour and now to be able to work with such an amazing group of guys again it has been a true honour."

"What about your love lives?" Asher pressed and I raised my eyebrows, begrudgingly admiring his persistence.

"Yes, we are loving our lives, this has been a dream come true. Working with a group of mates and making music, we feel very fortunate to be where we are." Erik purposefully misunderstood the question and I snorted a laugh.

Asher huffed but dropped it and moved the conversation back to the music. The only other question that really caught me off guard was when he suggested we might start thinking about solo careers off the back of this album. I wanted to vehemently deny it, but it occurred to me we hadn't actually ever discussed as a band what would happen if one of us wanted to leave.

I guess because I couldn't imagine not being in the band, it hadn't crossed my mind that anyone else would. I glanced at the guys faces, thankful to realise they were equally shocked.

"We have no plans to change anything like that." I told him, careful to hide my surprise behind a nonchalant tone.

"Well thanks for your time guys," Asher said, shaking our hands and looking more than a little disappointed.

I checked my phone, only a few more hours and then I got to see Phoebe. A smile played on the corner of my mouth as I thought about actually getting the chance to know her.

Maybe even kiss her? All I could think of since I had met her was how much I regretted not trying to kiss her. But I wasn't in the habit of forcing unwilling girls. If she pushed me away tonight, I would back off. I just needed to make my feelings clear and then the ball was in her court.

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