Chapter 7 - Elliott

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I watched her scurry away. There was no sway to her hips or flirty look back over her shoulder that beckoned me to follow. It was like she had no idea how unintentionally sexy she was, and she meant what she had said about not being interested.

I sighed. That was a new one for me and I wasn't sure I liked the feeling.

"So you got her number or what man?" Chris appeared, hands on my shoulders and jumping into view.

"She didn't even let me ask." I responded, a little dazed, staggering under his weight.

"What she offered it? Dayum girl has bigger balls than I expected." He laughed, slapping me on the back.

"No, I mean she wouldn't even let me ask." I took a deep breath, "I think I just got rejected."

Erik appeared at my other shoulder and gave a low whistle, "Seriously? I thought she was into you. She looked pretty interested when you were singing. Did you try singing again?"

I shook my head, "She didn't give me the chance."

"Sorry man," Chris sounded genuinely upset on my behalf, "There's plenty of the models who would be happy to comfort you. I'll let you have first pick if you want?"

"Didn't Victoria say to stay away from the girls?"

"Yeah, but she didn't factor in your significant emotional distress."

"I'm not distressed, just surprised, I guess. I don't want to sound like a dick, but I've never been rejected before." I paused, "This is prime song writing emotion though. Anyone got a pen?"

The next hour or so I spent scribbling my new song 'Forget you now'. I was dimly aware of our music playing and the others filming their scenes for the music video, but the inspiration was all consuming.

"I heard what happened." My head snapped up in surprise. I hadn't heard Victoria's approach. "Hope you're not going to go all broken hearted diva on us." She laughed, sliding into the chair next to me.

I had hidden myself away in the little meeting room we had been brought to first. It was a quiet space and afforded me a little privacy to write.

I still struggled to share the creative process with anyone but my bandmates. The initial stages felt so raw, like I was exposing a part of my soul.

I needed the boys to help me disguise it in the music before I shared it with anyone else. My arm curled protectively around the stack of papers as I tried to hide my lyrics from her.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to nose at your song. I just wanted to let you know we're packing up now."

I blinked and glanced at the clock. Time really did fly when you were writing angst filled lyrics. "Ok, so back on the bus?" I asked

"Back on the bus." She confirmed with a grin.

Her earpiece flashed blue, "Ah sorry, I've got to take this." She tapped the button on the side and immediately began chatting away.

I was still too out of it on inspiration to try to understand what she was talking about as I stood, gathering the pile of papers. The combination of lyrics and musical notes a jumbled mess to most, but to me, it was clear as anything. I could hear it in my head. Imagine what it would be like on stage to croon those soulful low notes and belt out that chorus.

I joined the guys who were bouncing towards the door. Phoebe was back in her seat at the reception desk. Her eyes were on the computer, but I could tell she had sensed my entrance. Time to brush off that put down. "Hey lads!" I cheered as I swaggered over.

Erik turned to face me, and his eyes darted between Phoebe and me. I saw the moment he realised what I was doing. "My dude!" he whooped, slapping my back, "Ready for the interview later?"

I nodded a little too enthusiastically, "Yeah man, let's smash this." 

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