Chapter 10 - Phoebe

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At home that night I was sat at my ancient laptop googling True Outlaws with the obsession of a crazy stalker ex. I had never really understood the addiction to social media but I did have twitter so I wasn't a total social networking pariah.

My mouth went dry. The top trending story, trending on Twitter '#WhoBrokeHawksHeart' and underneath, a picture of Elliott looking back over his shoulder in the street.

I clicked the top news story result and scanned the story quickly trying to avoid looking too hard at the picture of him gazing intensely into the camera.

'Heart throb Elliott Hawk, 22, revealed in a live radio interview today that he had been rejected for the first time. Who broke his heart is the question on everyone's lips.'

I scrolled down ignoring the pictures of him with a variety of girls, a set of pictures that only confirmed what I had thought. He was a playboy who had a different girl every week but unfortunately, this girl was not available. I felt a little smug as I reached the end and clicked the video for the recording of the interview. Sitting back in my seat and closing my eyes, I was able to picture him as he spoke.

" happened earlier today when we were filming the video for our next single." One of the other guys, I think Erik said.

I jumped up in my seat. Me?

Had he seriously got in a mood because I didn't want to go out with him. Was he a child throwing a tantrum because he didn't get the toy he wanted?

I frowned. Surely, I couldn't be the first to not be interested in a date and dump? Which is what it would have been, I had no doubt of that.

I listened, my heart pounding as the rest of the interview switched to safer topics and let out a trembling breath I hadn't realised I was holding. They didn't say anything else about it, but they sounded tense.

Relief rushed through me that my name had been kept out of it. I couldn't imagine how horrible it would be to be caught up in the spotlight and fans of theirs. The tweets I skim read were enough for me. A mix of jealousy and hatred so intense I winced.

When I couldn't read anymore of it I closed down the laptop and began to tidy the house before bed. A quick peep in Nanna's room confirmed she was fast asleep and I switched the lights off and headed upstairs.

Exhaustion meant sleep claimed me quickly, but my dreams were full of those incredible blue eyes and kisses I wish I'd claimed. 

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