Chapter 43 - Elliott

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I'm trying not to let go of her hand as she is loaded into the ambulance. Her tiny fingers limp in mine. I promised her though. Promised not to leave her even for a second, as she drifted in and out just before the paramedics arrived.

Her pupils were dilated and I could tell she was hardly there. If she even heard me at all. It was unimportant though, I wasn't about to break that promise for anyone.

"Only one of you can travel with us." The paramedic apologises as Felix moves to join us.

He steps back onto the road, "Find out what happened." I call back to him.

His mouth is set in a grim line as he gives a sharp nod to confirm he understands. I could see the horror on his face as we realised something was wrong with Phoebe. As he realised that watching me meant he had missed whatever happened to her.

It wasn't his fault. I should have gotten her her own protection. Or at least gone to the loo before I left. It was my own stupidity that had brought this on us. Of that I was sure.

Sinking into the seat I was directed to, I tried not to be in their way as they worked. Hooking her up to oxygen and monitors. Doing all sorts of tests on her unresponsive body.

I felt sick peering at her sightless eyes and slack jawed expression. I can't lose her, not now. Not after everything we've been through.

It was inevitable. Us ending up together. I had known it from the moment we met that she was mine. That I would be her coruption as she was my salvation. She was too good. Too sweet. So naive to everything it did something to me on a primal level. I wanted to take her in my arms and protect her from the world. Then she brushed me aside.

Perhaps even in those early moments she knew that I was too harsh, toughened by my past and circumstances to be what she needed. But now it was so clear that she felt differently. I had hurt her. I knew that too and I wanted to be better. I wanted to be what she needed.

I wanted her to wake up.

Eight hours later

She's lying there. So still I wouldn't even believe she were alive if it weren't for the steady beat of the heart monitor.

Victoria and Cara are here. I don't remember calling them so I assume it must have been Felix. The guys have been messaging constantly asking for updates since they were told too.

The door creaks and an exhausted looking Felix wanders in. He says something in a low voice to Victoria and Cara. They both nod and then hurry out into the corridor. I can hear their low voices talking to one of the doctors.

I almost go to follow them when a little groan distracts me. My attention flies to the bed and to Phoebe. Her eyes are still closed but her face crumpled into a frown that's almost of pain.

"Phoebs? I'm here." I assure her, squeezing her tiny hand in mine.

She gives my hand the smallest squeeze back and fights to open her eyes.

"What happened?" She croaks out as she takes in small hospital room.

Before I can reply saying I'm still not completely sure, Felix speaks, "We think you were drugged."

My eyes shoot to his guilty face and he approaches the bed, "Does this woman look familiar?"

We both lean in to examine the grainy CCTV footage playing on his phone. A woman creeps up to the edge of the bar where a few trays of drinks are waiting.

She looks around a little before dropping something small into two of the drinks and stirring with a straw, forcing whatever it was to dissipate.

It's only when she picks up the tray and heads off directly towards the CCTV camera that I finally catch a glimpse of her face and gasp.

"I know her." I breathe in horror.

"You do? Who is she? She's not one of your listed threats." Felix demands.

"That's because I didn't know she was a threat." I reply, my mind reeling, "Her name is Arielle. Arielle Martin. She's part of another band, Shame He Is Trouble. They were there the night we got scouted."

My mind is already drifting back remember the moments just before out set. "Good luck Elliott." Arrie Martin gushes at the edge of the stage before we go on.

I had known she had had a crush on me for months as our bands performed at similar locations. We had even enjoyed a drunken fumble or two after shows. I shot her a wink before we went on stage that night and her face lit up.

I know they were supposed to follow us but after the power went and we performed so well without it there were the demands we continue playing by the crowd and bar owner which we were only too happy to agree to.

My mind scrambled to remember what had happened to them. Something about her brother going off the rails?

"I know her." Phoebe croaks and pulls my attention back to her.

"You do? How?"

She swallows with effort and adjusts the oxygen tube at her nose, "The launch party. She was there, in the toilets. She knew my name. "

"Shit." I breathe as realisation sinks in that this wasn't an isolated incident.

"I think I've seen her other places too." Victoria says and I glance back, I hadn't heard her re-enter the room.

"You have."

She nods,"I assumed she was just a big fan. She has been at a lot of your recent stuff."

We are all silent for a moment as we absorb that knowledge.

"I should go and update the police." Felix says eventually.

"Wait! What was it she gave me?" Phoebe struggles up onto her elbows as she speaks.

"Rohypnol." Felix says gently.

Phoebe flops back onto the pillow, "I guess that's explains why I can't really remember anything."

My heart breaks at how lost she sounds. Felix looks ready to break something or someone as he storms from the room.

"How are you feeling?" Cara asks in a choked up voice.

I hadn't heard her re-enter either. "I'm OK." Phoebe's voice sounds far stronger than she looks.

Cara must agree because she looks doubtful.

Victoria's phone buzzes for what feels like the hundredth time. She glances as it and then at me.

"They want to know if we should cancel the show." She explains tiredly, "We probably should."

"No." Phoebe interjects before I can reply. "No, you can't let the fans down and I can't let that woman win. You need to perform."

Her tone is insistent but I'd probably be far more convinced if it was coming from someone not in a hospital bed who had spent hours vomiting whatever she was given out of her system.

"I don't know." I say slowly.

"Please Elliott. Think how upset the fans would be?" She tries appealing to my love of them apparently not realising how much stronger my love is for her.

She seems to realise my thoughts as she meets my eye and a pretty pink flush stains her pale cheeks. "We can't let her win." She tries again and this time it gets me.

I'm fuming at Arielle. At what she almost stole from me. "Ok, we will do it. The show is still on."

Victoria looks surprised but she quickly begins typing something out on her phone.

"Are you sure you're ok with this?" I ask Phoebe.

"More than sure. In fact I plan to be there with you." She says determinedly.

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