Chapter 27 - Elliott

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After reassuring her that she hadn't broken my face I finally managed to convince Phoebe to come into the bar. I could feel the familiar pounding beat of music as we wound our way through the corridor to the main room.

Despite the obvious dangers of letting myself spend time in a place well known for the one thing I was sworn off, it felt like coming home. Much like the stage, these types of places were where our music had grown and a feeling of contentment settled in me.

Bevingtons was a favourite of mine. Though mostly a bar and pub, it had a small stage and dance floor. The atmosphere was dark enough that I was unlikely to be recognised unless someone was looking really closely. Well known for being popular with celebs, there were probably much more interesting people to catch the interest of any press that were around.

I noticed Phoebe gazing nervously at the crowd, "Are you ok?" I shouted over the music.

She nodded but I noticed her hands were shaking and pulled her close to my side as we weaved through the throngs of people to the bar.

"What would you like?" I asked when we reached the busy bar.

"Just a lemonade." She said, eyes still wide and looking a little overwhelmed.

"Two lemonades." I called out to the bartender when I managed to grab his attention.

He grabbed two glasses and quickly filled them with a nozzle, taking another order as he did.

I handed him the money as soon as he placed the drinks in front of us. "Wait! We said I would get the drinks." Phoebe said quickly, trying to wave away my money as she fumbled for her bag.

"Don't worry, you can get the next one." I reassured, handing her one of the drinks and picking up my own.

I nodded my thanks to the barman and then guided Phoebe towards the booths. It was packed tonight and I didn't really expect any of them to be free but at least if we were nearby there was a chance we could grab one if someone left.

One of the small high bar-style tables were free but as it was missing chairs it was a little pointless.

Still I stopped by it, placing my drink down and then turning to Phoebe.

"So, tell me more about yourself. You said you're working for Cara now?"

Her eyes light up and I make a mental note that she enjoys talking about work. "It's amazing." She gushes, "so you know she runs book launch events?"

I didn't but I nodded anyway, transfixed by her animated expression.

"Well, at the moment we are working on the launch of this amazing YA fantasy. It's got elves, monsters, magic and this dragon creature. So I said to Cara we should get a giant balloon of the dragon and float it over the store where the event is taking place. You wouldn't believe the amount of places that can't create a twenty foot dragon inflatable but I found somewhere today and it is going to be epic!"

She takes a sudden breath, interrupting her flow and all of a sudden I'm reminded of myself when I'm excited about a new song idea. I thought she was beautiful before but now she is absolutely stunning, eyes sparkling and escaped hair a tangled mess around her face.

"What's YA?" I ask, partly because I'm curious and partly because I want to prove I was listening.

"Young Adults. Teenagers who are too old for kids fic and too young for adult." She says quickly, "sorry for babbling. At least you don't have to work with me, I'm much worse there." She adds with a self-deprecating laugh.

I determine at that moment I need to get her out of that habit of putting herself down all the time. Her looks, her passions, her dreams. I want her to feel confident enough in herself to chat about them like she just did.

All of a sudden I'm struck by the urge to quit my day job and get into the events business just to see her babbling like this every day. "No, don't apologise for it. It's great that you have work you're passionate about. Honestly, it's actually super hot seeing you talk like that."

Predictably, she starts blushing and her head drops in an attempt to hide her face. I catch her chin, "Don't be embarrassed and please don't hide from me."

My voice is soft but I think it's the please that really does it for her. She meets my eyes and rational thoughts fly out the window. I want to kiss her but I don't want this to be the place. It wouldn't be right. Some dark corner of a bar, surrounded by crowds of people who could recognise me at any moment.

That's why Jake is stood barely a few feet away, a glass of water in hand in an effort to blend in as he scans the surroundings. I don't think Phoebe has noticed him yet and I'd like to keep it that way. "Dance with me?" I ask, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the crowded dance floor.

"What about our drinks?" she laughs, letting me drag her up.

I can't tell her that Jake will be watching them, "Don't worry!" I reassure, even as I see him move towards the table we abandon, resting his elbows on it but keeping his eyes trained on me.

I used to find it a lot more creepy to be followed everywhere. but after a few incidents I realised it was the lesser of the evils and I would rather they followed me than crazy fans.

The music being played isn't the sort you dance to, more jump up and down screaming the words. I can tell she doesn't know the words so I take her hands in mine and get her into that classic shuffle dance as I begin miming the words.

By the time the song ends, she is giggling hysterically at my dramatic dance moves. "And now one for the lovers out there." The singer calls out, launching into November Rain by Guns N' Rose's.

The musical intro is long and I mentally fast forward to the words. Oh how ironic.

I offer Phoebe my hand and she takes it shyly, let me pull her to me as we begin to sway to the music. She fits perfectly with her head resting against my chest. "When I look into your eyes," I sing softly with the singer and she tilts her head to look up at me, "I can see a love restrained. But darling when I hold you, don't you know I feel the same."

She blushes again, apparently realising how much the words relate to us, and for the first time since I met her, she doesn't pull away.

The urge to kiss her comes over me again and I mentally shake myself. Not yet. I want it to be perfect.

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