Chapter 34 - Phoebe

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How did he do it? How could he claim being awkward and look that good?

I smiled shyly, my cheeks still hot from the blush his words brought to my cheeks, and gazed around the coffee shop. The waitress at the counter was staring at us, her mouth hanging open with a mix of jealousy and awe. It didn't take much to realise which one was directed at me.

Not for the first time I felt that flicker of doubt in my chest, trying to remind me that we were worlds apart. Making me wonder how this would work.

Another flash from a camera outside reinforced it and I felt my smile falter. "Don't," his soft voice interrupted my thoughts, "Stop overthinking everything. I know this isn't ideal but give it all a chance."

"I'm trying." I whispered back, not meeting his eye.

"I know, and I'm so grateful that you're even willing to give me a chance," He paused long enough to pique my interest and I glanced up.

He was lost in thought, " I never expected this." The confession was small but echoed my own thoughts so clearly, I thought I had imagined it at first.

We didn't stay much after we had finished our drinks. The photographers had their photos and I had had more than enough of being stared at down their lenses.

We stood to leave and made our way towards the door where they waited like vultures for us to emerge. "Ready love?" his hand touched the small of my back and I couldn't stop the shiver of delight that went through me.

I nodded and he pushed the door open with one hand, the other arm wrapping around me. It was the sound that hit us first, clicks of cameras and shouting voices overlapping and asking us for a comment.

"We've already released a statement guys, don't be cheeky!" Elliott said with a chuckle that was cool, calm and confident.

How did he do it? Just switch it on and off like that.

I stumbled on the curb as I tried to avoid a particularly enthusiastic photographer but Elliott caught me before I could make a fool of myself.

I looked up it him and hope bloomed in my chest. Maybe, just maybe we could make this work. Maybe our two worlds could exist side by side and my life wouldn't have to change too much?

It was silly really, we barely knew each other when you thought about it. I remember reading those insta romances and thinking it was impossible. Love at first sight belonged between the pages of a novel, not in the real world. But here we were. Here I was. Maybe falling for him.

My inner monologue was interupted by the appearance of Jake clearing a path for us through the crowd. I gave him a grateful smile which I don't think he even noticed as his eyes constantly scanned for threats and beckoned us towards the waiting cars.

Elliott was still at my side, arm protectively round me as the car door ahead opened. "This is you." He said over the shouted questions.

The flash of cameras faded into the background as I looked at him. "So we call tonight then?" I asked.

He grinned, "Definitely! And don't think you'll get out of messaging me through the afternoon. Your words will keep me going!"

I couldn't help but smile back I reached for his hand and squeezed it before sliding into the waiting car.

The door shut and muffled the noise, tinted windows obscuring the paparazzi and giving me a semblance of privacy. I took a shaky breath, we did it. Whatever it was.

My phone buzzed in my pocket as we started to pull away and I reached for it, "You did brilliantly." Elliott

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