Chapter 8 - Phoebe

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I watched them bound out of the library, a trail of camera men and equipment in their wake. The whoops and shouts stopping abruptly as the door swung shut behind them and a silence fell over the library. He didn't even say goodbye.

I don't know why it bothered me so much. We hadn't even known each other a day and this wasn't a movie where love at first sight, romance and prince charming existed.

"You ok hun?" I twisted in my seat to look at Cara as she spoke.

"Yeah...I mean no...I don't know." I groaned, "Did that actually just happen?"

She laughed, "I should have given you some warning, but I've been rushed off my feet with these events recently. I nearly didn't come today."

I gulped, dreading to think what I might have done handling this alone. "Thank God you did."

"I know, got to see you and mister heart throb getting hot and heavy in the hard backs." She shot me a wink.

"I don't even know what happened. I didn't know they were filming." I confessed.

She nodded, "I know, but that helped. It looked so hot, but natural. You looked stunning babe."

I cringed as I thought back, "I'm never going to be able to watch it."

"Never say never." She laughed, spinning her chair round.

"You're ridiculous. I need to get some work done before Rich gets back you little distractor. I'm surprised he's not here already." I scolded.

"Lunch with his mum." She waved a dismissive hand, "Now tell me all about the heat between you and the hottie!"

"There was nothing." I shot back quickly, too quickly.

Cara leaned forward in her seat, "Pheebs, I've seen the video so don't deny it."

"It was just...I don't...he was..." I couldn't find words to explain that instant attraction I had felt.

Like a bolt of lightning that woke parts of me that had never shown an awful lot of interest in men before. I was a romantic but that didn't mean I believed in love at first sight outside of my books. It was lust at first sight if anything.

I had always struggled talking to guys since the Nate incident. I was beginning to doubt I could feel attraction. Although I had read about it online and I wouldn't have been the only one if that was the case so that was somewhat reassuring.

"Pheebs, did you get his number?"

"Oh god no." I shot her a horrified look and she gave an exasperated groan.

"Did he try to get yours?" she said wearily, as if she already knew the answer.

"Maybe. I don't know." I said evasively.

"How can you not know?"

"I kind of didn't let him." I didn't dare look up and meet her eye, choosing instead to take a sudden interest in the swirling grain of the table top.

She was quiet for a moment, then sighed, "Don't worry, I can fix this. I'll ask Victoria for it."

"No." I yelped, "I don't want to talk to him."

"What's the harm in a couple of dates and a bit of fun?" her voice was gentle but the words still grated.

"I'm not interested in a bit of fun. I don't want to just be another broken heart left in his wake. I want something real. I want love." I looked her in the eye, "And don't tell me it might be different. I'm not a groupie and I don't want some famous guy who will be onto another girl next week."

"There's no harm in having fun. In the year I've known you, you've never once been on a date. Why is that?" she probed.

I shrugged, returning my attention to the wood grain now I was sure she wasn't calling her friend. "I guess I just haven't found the right guy."

"What if you have?" she asked.

I didn't say anything, I couldn't.

"What if you just did and you let him go?"

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