Chapter 15 - Elliott (3 weeks later)

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I fidgeted with the uncomfortable buttoned shirt the stylist had insisted on putting me in after I had put my foot down at a full-on suit.

"It's a launch party, not the red carpet." Erik had grumbled, clearly as unimpressed as I was as he unbuttoned his cuffs.

I sighed, there wasn't much we could do about it now. I could hear the people arriving in the club downstairs. Tonight, was going to be big at least I hoped it would be. We needed to bring attention back to the music rather than our personal gossip.

The team had really gone all out with this, transforming the club with enormous TV screens adorning the walls so everyone would be able to see our announcement and the music video which would be playing immediately afterwards.

Despite the excitement I was scared too. This would be a tough night, surrounded by temptation as I sipped my virgin JD and coke. So just coke then. It was easy to blend into the crowd and I knew that as long as I was holding a drink, I could hide the fact I was on the non-alcoholic stuff tonight.

Still, the buckets of champagne and the exotic looking cocktails the barmen were conjuring up had me craving the hard stuff.

"Right guys." Victoria clapped her hands together, getting everyone's attention, "All our work has led to this moment and I'm so proud of you all. We've got journalists, celebrities and the industry big dogs here tonight so I know I don't need to say this but be on your best behaviour. Be better than your best. Keep it in your pants," laughter bubbled as everyone glanced at Chris. He raised his hands as if to say he made no promises and mouthed maybe, "And most of all, have fun. You've earned it and I'm really honoured that I get to be a part of your journey."

"Oh god, she's getting emotional on us." Erik teased bumping her with his shoulder.

She grinned, shoving him back, "Get out there and mingle you troublemakers."

We slapped each other on the back as we headed for the staircase which would bring us down the spiral from the VIP area.

All eyes were on us and conversations stopped as we descended. It was just beginning to feel a little awkward when one person started clapping and half a second later, another joined in until applause and cheers surrounded us.

My foot had barely hit the floor before a pretty red head approached, "Hi," she smiled revealing lipstick on her teeth, "Penny, from Plec Dreams. I'm a big fan of your music. What can we expect from your new material? We heard it's a little more mainstream than the last lot?"

What was the etiquette around telling someone they had lipstick on their teeth? Was it a say it now or leave it till the end of the conversation thing? Or did I just need to stare at it and hope she gets the hint?

Her mouth closed, smile vanishing, and I remembered she had asked me a question, "Penny," I said conspiratorially, beckoning her closer as I spoke, "we don't know the meaning of the word mainstream. Our new material is as fun as the last, with some great collabs and kick ass lyrics if I do say so myself." I winked and was pretty sure she had melted because she had stopped writing what I was saying and instead hung off my every word, "And you can quote me on that."

"Th-thank you." She stammered before recovering her senses and scribbling the rest down furiously.

"Any other questions love?"

"Yes, sorry. Is there any truth to the rumours that you've been in rehab?"

This time it was my smile that dropped. "No comment."

"Really?" she latched onto my answer like a dog with a bone, "Don't you want to tell your story? My readers would love to hear it."

I fixed a lazy grin back on my face, "Look love, everyone likes a bad boy and with my image," I gestured to my tattooed arm and gym honed body, "there are always going to be rumours but I'll be honest, I'm just hurt they're not a bit more original."

She grinned, "Can I quote you on that?"

"Sure. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to catch up with the lads." I pointed to where they were gathered fifteen paces away. Yes, I counted. It was a habit I had developed at a young age.

"Thank you." Penny clutched her notebook to her chest as I moved on and I shot her my famous Hawk smile as a goodbye.

The boys were surrounded by other members of the press and I felt my attention wander for a second. The bar alongside where we were stood was stocked with a variety of spirits.

It would be so easy to go up and order one. Just a little one as a reward for my hard work over the last few months?

"You good bro?" Erik's hand clamped down on my shoulder, preventing me from following through.

I looked round, "You got a sensor on me or is my mind just that easy to read?" I joked, my voice shaking.

How was it, after all this work I had done, I had found it so easy to nearly slip up?

"I just know you." He replied, with a sad smile.

He was right. Sometimes I thought he knew me better than I knew myself. Over his shoulder I spotted a familiar face enter, "Is that-" my voice trailed off.

Mousey girl. Phoebe. Looking decidedly less librarian and a little more glamorous.

Her arm was linked with Cara, Victoria's friend. Had she been invited or was she a plus one? I scanned to room for Victoria. She was stood at the bottom of the stairs watching us. Her face the picture of innocence. Too innocent in fact. She had invited her. I pursed my lips and jerked my head in a silent request for her to come here. She rolled her eyes but moved to join us.

"What's up?" Erik looked confused, his eyes searching the room and then my face for an explanation.

Before I could reply Victoria joined us, "What's up?"

"You invited Phoebe?" I asked.

"Who?" Erik replied sounded more confused by the second.

"Library girl." Victoria and I said simultaneously.

"Ohhh." Realisation dawned on him and he laughed, "Well played Vic!"

She mock bowed in response and I threw them both a dirty look.

"She is in the video hun. Better that she comes and sees it now to deal with it before the general public do."

Her reasoning made sense especially after Madison had been revealed to be a liar which meant the search for my heartbreaker had continued as people doubted her version of events. I looked back over to the entrance where she still stood and hoped she would be able to deal with the potential scrutiny.

She looked so vulnerable. Even dressed in the tightest black jeans and face accentuated by make-up I could see how shy she was. Her fingers fiddling with the hem of a white slogan t shirt I couldn't read from here.

She glanced up, as though subconsciously noticing my stare and our eyes met for a moment before she turned and dashed down the hallway towards the bathrooms.

I shook my head and smiled sadly. Need to be a lot braver than that little mouse, I thought to myself. Especially in my world.

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