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'The Quidditch World Cup'

'The Quidditch World Cup'

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"Hey, Dad," Ron yelled. "Where are we going?"

Arthur chirruped in reply, "Haven't the foggiest. Keep up!"

They rounded a tree dense with leaves, coming face to face with a middle aged man in tweed and flat cap. "Arthur!" he greeted. "It's about time, son!"

Mr Weasley raised his hand in apology. "Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start."

All eyes fell on Harry and Ron, the latter of whom was trying to stifle a yawn. As soon as the rest of them had caught up, Arthur introduced the man. "This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me at the Ministry."

A sudden blur caught everyone's attention as a boy jumped from the tree above Amos, and landed perfectly on the ground next to him.

"And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?" Arthur guesses, shaking the boy's hand.

"Yes, sir," Cedric laughs slightly, smiling at all of the group. "This way."

Lori, Hermione and Ginny all exchanged a look before following Arthur and Amos up a grassy hill. The three of them were suddenly interrupted by Cedric's voice again.

"Lori?" the girls all stopped, but after a moment Ginny and Hermione turned away smiling, and continued up the hill.

Cedric hitched his rucksack slightly further up his back as they followed the others. "So, a certain mutual friend of ours told me you made Quidditch Captain."

Lori's cheeks tinged red, suddenly finding the leaves rather interesting. "Was it by any chance Angelina?"

Cedric looked down at the slightly shorter girl and laughed. "Yeah, she was in my Charms class last year. She was so proud when she mentioned it."

A smile played on her lips at the thought of Angelina, who no doubt also wanted to be Captain, being proud of Lori. The two were close both on and off the pitch, and she didn't want anything to ruin that friendship.

She looked up at him, smirking slightly. "Gryffindor's gonna wipe the floor with you."

Cedric feigned offence, dramatically pressing his hand to his chest before running it through his brown hair.

Before he could reply, Amos pointed his cane at the top of the hill. "Yes, it's just over there."

Lori was swept forward by an excited Ginny, who grabbed her arm and half dragged her to the top, the pair of them staring down at a single, black boot.

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