Fifty Three

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'The Immortal Soul of Tom Riddle'

The green of the locket mingled in with the mossy log it sat on, the silver of the chain glinting against the weeds as all five of them stared at it

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The green of the locket mingled in with the mossy log it sat on, the silver of the chain glinting against the weeds as all five of them stared at it.

"You first." Lori said, looking to Harry, Fawkes perched on her shoulder.


Leaves flew into the air as the locket shot from the log, a small burn mark ringing where it had been mere moments before. It almost seemed to whirr defensively as they found it amongst the undergrowth.

"Incendio." Hermione cast, the locket and surrounding leaves engulfed in flame for a few seconds, before the unscathed locket appeared again.

Ron groaned, adjusting his arm in its sling, and looked to his sister, "That stupid thing is even more stubborn than mum when she's making us clean our rooms."

"Expulso!" Harry yelled, the locket shooting away, "Diffindo! Reducto!"

Even after all that, the locket sat atop the leaves without a scratch, seeming to leer at them as it sang eerily. Harry slowly bent down and pulling it over his head.

"What are you doing?" Cedric asked with one brow raised.

"We have to keep it safe until we find out how to destroy it."

Ron interjected, "Seems strange, mate. Dumbledore sends you off to find all these Horcruxes, but doesn't tell you how to destroy them. Doesn't that bother you?"

Harry sighed and left them, kicking leaves up into the air. Lori and Cedric shared a look, before retiring into the tent and sitting on a small sofa in the small living room.

Fawkes tweeted happily, jumping over to his perch and lying down, tucking his head under his wings as Cedric turned the radio on with a flick of his wand.

"A goblin by the name of Gornuk was killed." a man's voice echoed from the set, "It is believed that Muggle-born Dean Thomas and a second goblin, both believed to have been travelling with Tonks, Cresswell and Gornuk may have escaped."

Lori sighed, leaning her back against Cedric's arm, "Poor Dean, the Ministry will be all over him."

"If Dean is listening or anyone has any knowledge of his whereabouts, his parents and sisters are desperate for news."

Cedric fished his galleon from his front pocket, already writing a message to the Gryffindor when Lori smiled at him.

"Meanwhile," the man continued, "a Muggle family of five has been found dead in their home."

Ron came in, smiling weakly at his sister as he sat in the armchair opposite them, "You heard anything from Gin or the others?"

She shook her head slightly, "I haven't heard anything from anyone. People are too scared to reach out."

Cedric nodded, "Besides, most of the people will have gotten rid of their enchanted galleons. Association with us is a death sentence."


Darkness shrouded the tent, small oil lamps fighting away the shadows. Hermione and Harry had returned from a close call with some Snatchers, the five of them huddled around the radio in the living room.

The man began, "And now for the names of missing witches and wizards, these are confirmed. Thankfully, the list is short today."

Lori and Ron linked their hands as he continued, reading out a number of people that thankfully none of them recognised.

"Imagine how those peoples' families must be feeling." Cedric mumbled, leaning into Lori and pressing a kiss to her head.

Ron rose from his seat slowly, aching from all the last few day's non-stop walking, seemingly aimlessly. He stumbled into the kitchen, bringing out a tray of hot tea a few moments later and setting it down on the coffee table.

Lori grabbed both her and Cedric's cups, handing one to her boyfriend as she sipped from her mug, the warm liquid a thankful change from the cold winds that battered their tent.

They all sat like that for a minutes, listening to the rain that lashed against their canvas home, before Cedric winced and pulled his galleon out.

He smiled slightly, "Dean's fine. He's lying low with Tonks's dad, Ted."

It was the best, and only, news they had had in days, Hermione clapping slightly as she magically refilled their empty mugs, hot tea once again brimming at the tops.

Lori and Cedric rose from their seats a few minutes later, magicking their cups into the sink before moving off.

Ron cleared his throat, both turning, "Oi, Diggory. No screwing my sister."

Tea shot from Harry's mouth and nose as Cedric raised his hands defensively, "Wouldn't dream of it."

Lori wrapped her arm around his neck and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek as they moved to their room, whispering up to him, "You wouldn't dream of it?"

Cedric smirked at her quirked brow, "I don't dream of it, seeing as I've been making it a reality for two years."

She jokingly shoved him as they drew the canvas door over their room, unfolding their pyjamas and pulling them on before falling in to bed, their legs tangled together.

"You know," Lori smiled, "I really do love you."

Cedric rolled to his side, "I really love you. What's suddenly made you say that?"

She scoffed slightly, poking him in the ribs with a laugh, "I've said I love you before!"

He stroked her cheek with his finger, "But you're saying it like you're worried."

Lori sighed, "I don't wanna lose you. I thought I did after the third task, when you and Harry came back. You weren't moving and I just felt my whole world fall away in front of me."

He moved so he was on top of her, his arms supporting his body as he looked down at her, "Lori, you're never gonna lose me."

Her head rose slightly, lifting her pinky finger up, "Promise?"

Cedric looked down at her extended finger and linked it with a chuckle, "Promise."

Ron suddenly hammered on the canvas door, irritation lacing his tone, "No screwing, Diggory!"

Lori snorted as Cedric rolled his eyes above her, glaring at the door where Ron stood, "I'm not!"

He refocused his gaze on Lori, stroking her cheek with a smirk, his brow quirked, "When they've all gone to bed?"


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