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'Weasley Wedding'

"All together now!" Arthur bellowedto them all, "One, two, three

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"All together now!" Arthur bellowed
to them all, "One, two, three."

Gradually, the large white marquee floated off the ground, each of the older Weasleys guiding it up with their wands.

"How's it looking your end, boys?"

Fred was about to reply, when a crack echoed across the garden like a whip, all of their mouths falling agape, "Bloody hell," George muttered, "what's the Minister for Magic doing here?"

Rufus Scrimgeour walked over, gazing up at the tent with as close to a smile as he could muster, "My congratulations. However, I must speak with Mr Potter and R Weasley and Miss Granger and L Weasley."

Lori and Ron shot each other a look, before the oldest sister gracefully ushered him into the kitchen and offered him a cup of tea, which he politely declined. Ginny appeared with Harry and Hermione moments later.

"To what do we owe the pleasure, Minister?" Harry asked.

"I think we both know the answer to that question, Mr Potter." he replied grimly, moving over to lay a few items out on the table, the four teens sitting in front of him.

"And this is...?"

Scrimgeour delved into his leather briefcase, producing a document and letting it open in mid air, "Herein is set forth the last will and testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. First, to Ronald Bilius Weasley, I leave my Deluminator, a device of my own making, in the hope that when things seem most dark, it will show him the light."

He carefully opened the smallest of the three packages in front of them, moving the red velvet back with such care, before handing Ron a small gadget, the size of his palm.

"Dumbledore left this for me?" Ron asked, examining the Deluminator more closely.


"Brilliant. What is it?" he slowly clicked on the switch, light from the nearest lamps billowing into it in small spheres, "Wicked."

"To Hermione Jean Granger, I leave my copy of 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard' in the hope that she find it entertaining and instructive."

Hermione was passed the book, Ron peering over her shoulder, "Mum used to read us those. The Wizard and the Hopping Pot, Babbitty Rabbitty and the Cackling Stump. Come on, Babbitty Rabbitty? No?"

Hermione and Harry both shook their heads.

"To Harry James Potter, I leave the Snitch he caught in his first Quidditch match at Hogwarts as a reminder of the rewards of perseverance and skill."

Scrimgeour handed the Snitch to Harry in a black cloth, waiting with bated breath. Nothing happened as he twirled it in his fingers, Hermione and the Minister both looking disappointed.

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