Twenty Three

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'The Hospital Wing'

Over a hundred people had came to see Lori in the Hospital Wing while she was unconscious, leaving flowers and chocolates and presents for when she woke up

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Over a hundred people had came to see Lori in the Hospital Wing while she was unconscious, leaving flowers and chocolates and presents for when she woke up. The whole school, along with Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, had been informed that she was making a speedy recovery, and would be awake soon.

Cedric was by her side whenever he wasn't eating or in lessons, his hand gently laced with hers and holding her knuckles to his chin.

Fleur and her sister would come in occasionally, Gabrielle weaving Lori's ginger hair into a plait that fell over her right shoulder.

The Weasleys, Harry and Hermione had to take it in shifts to stay with her, as Madam Pomfrey only allowed their daughter to have two visitors at a time, though Molly never let any of her children mean that anyone had to be kicked out. The Weasley matriarch actually found it quite sweet that her daughter had so many visitors, with a surprisingly high number from Beauxbatons.

It was one such day, when Katie and Leanne were with her, that she woke. Madam Pomfrey was with them in an instant, helping the girl into a seated position as her two best friends raced to find her mother to tell her the good news.

Lori groaned, her head throbbing as she was helped up by the nurse, "Did you get him? Did you get Moody?"

Madam Pomfrey smiled, "It was a Death Eater under the influence of the Polyjuice Potion, but yes, they got him." Lori's features broke into a very weak smile, as it hurt her to smile anymore than that.

"You had several broken bones, but I've been giving you Skele-Gro and you're all fixed up."

"Then why does it still hurt?"

"You were thrown against a wall, my dear." Madam Pomfrey sighed, "You'll be right as rain in a few days, but very stiff in the meantime."

Lori nodded slowly, her eyes snapping to the door as her mother, Bill and Ginny rushed in, the nurse making no effort to enforce the two visitors only rule.

"We're so proud of you!" Mrs Weasley was holding back tears as she gently pulled her daughter into a hug. Ginny wrapped her arms around Lori once her mother had released her.

Bill looked down at her, "How do you even know the Incarcerous Charm? That was something I didn't learn until seventh year."

Lori smirked, "Ironically, he was the one who taught me. He's been giving my private tutoring for months because he thought I'd make a good Auror. Turns out he was just using it as an opportunity to spy on Harry."

Madam Pomfrey helped Lori to her feet, wincing when she moved too quickly, "You're free to go, just walk slowly."

Lori nodded, Bill wrapping her arm around his shoulder and placing one hand on her waist, helping his sister out of the Hospital Wing, Ginny and their mother following behind them.

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