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'Mad-Eye Moody'

Groaning as she handed three sickles to Katie, Lori pulled her Gryffindor robes on and raked her brush through her hair, before the pair headed down to breakfast

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Groaning as she handed three sickles to Katie, Lori pulled her Gryffindor robes on and raked her brush through her hair, before the pair headed down to breakfast.

Both being Quidditch players, they were used to early mornings and found the Great Hall almost completely empty when they arrived, save for a few seventh years who were poring over various textbooks.

Sitting with their backs to the aisle, they both dove into hot bowls of porridge, Katie adding honey to both portions.

Katie had been Lori's first friend at Hogwarts, introducing themselves on the train in their first year and sticking together ever since. Both made Chaser in their second year, Katie was there for Lori when Ginny got taken in their third year and Lori was there for Katie when the Dementors gave her night terrors in their fourth.

"Lori?" Katie mumbled after swallowing her mouthful, "Diggory's looking at you."

The Weasley turned in her seat, spying him across the aisle and down the table, eating some toast. She sent him a wave and a smile before turning back to a smirking Katie.

"So, you and Cedric, huh?"

Porridge nearly shot out of Lori's mouth, which she avoided by swallowing it, and then choking. Katie merely laughed as her best friend coughed aggressively, before her fit was brought to an end by a thump on the back from George.

"Thanks," she gasped out as the twins sat either side of her. After a moment, she noticed that neither of them were eating and were just staring at her, "What?"

"Can't believe you sided with Pretty Boy Diggory over us last night." Fred mused, acting hurt, "I thought we were family Lori."

Katie laid down her spoon and looked at her, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"For Merlin's sake," Lori groaned, "we're just friends. He's Quidditch Captain, I'm Quidditch Captain. He's prefect, I'm prefect. We just have compatible schedules."

Fred snorted, his voice high and mocking, "We just have... compatible schedules."

"Give over, Lori," Katie snickered, "just admit you like him."

"Admit you like who?"

Lori came face to face with Cedric for the second time that day, her cheeks flushed crimson as her brothers and best friend snorted around her.

Lori gulped for a moment, "Admit I like... Professor Snape. He's actually a good teacher if you're interested in his subject."

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