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'The Battle of Hogwarts'

Plumes of black rocketed around the eaves, before Death Eaters morphed from them and leapt onto the floor where Lori was stood, spells flying through the air

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Plumes of black rocketed around the eaves, before Death Eaters morphed from them and leapt onto the floor where Lori was stood, spells flying through the air.

One dived through the window, frozen by Kingsley, screaming as he was thrown back out into the night.


Stones crumbled above, crushing one of the dark wizards as the Order sprung away.

Lights ricocheted off the walls as they struck, screams ebbing away as they fell down from the platform, landing hard on the courtyard below.

Cedric pulled Lori down, a curse whistled over head. She sent him an thankful smile, darting up to attack another Death Eater.

"You actually are joking, Perce!" Fred laughed as he duelled side-by-side to him and his twin, "I don't think I've heard you joke since you were-"

Narrowly missing a Killing Curse, which smashed against the wall and sent dust flying into the air, Fred rounded on his would-be killer, magically flinging him through a hole in the floor.

They could hear his body bouncing off the spiral staircase below, then a colossal crash as he finished his descent, crimson staining his limp form.

"Nice one, Freddie!" George said, the number of dark wizards fighting his allies rapidly declining, though so was their number.

Ellie screamed, the last enemy in sight gripping her tightly around the neck and dangling her out of the window. Spiders and giants ran rampage in the courtyard, rubble piled everywhere.

"Oh no, you don't!" Charlie bellowed, slashing his wand through the air. Just as she was about to be dropped, she floated in the air, just out of reach above the lake. The Death Eater spun, pointing his wand at her, an incantation on his lips.

"I'm sorry." Danny spoke as he raced forwards, his hands latching onto the wizard's waist, pulling the both of them through the night.

Ellie floated back into the castle, screams tugging raw at her throat as the Ravenclaw boy, her first love, tumbled down, arms flailing out around him.

"No!" she shrieked, Charlie pulling her away from the window, letting her bury her head in his chest. The rest of them stood dumbfounded as she yelled, barely standing as she went weak at the knees, tears streaming down her face.

Cedric wrapped his arm around Lori's waist, his jaw clenched, a lone tear tracing down his cheek.

Silence fell, broken only by Voldemort's voice echoing from every direction at once, "You have fought valiantly, but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity."

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