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'Lucky Yellow Charm'

The Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws all ate mostly in silence, nervous of the punishment Lori was about to receive

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The Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws all ate mostly in silence, nervous of the punishment Lori was about to receive. In their eyes, she was completely justified, especially when it came the worst of the Slytherins, Draco Malfoy.

But, when the doors of the Great Hall swung open and Lori and Cedric were stood there, silence fell over the rest of the eaters.

"So," Katie asked, her voice breaking the silence as she stood up. The rest of the hall waited with bated breath, "what happened?"

"She got fifty house points!" Cedric laughed, lifting her arm up triumphantly as the hall filled with claps and cheers that drowned out the protests from the Slytherins. Draco stormed off, muttering something about his father as he went.

Lori slid into an empty spot between Katie and Angelina, both of them congratulating her, before the normal chatter fell over the hall and they all tucked in.


Breakfast the next morning was electric, similar to the match days. The first task would take place that afternoon and several betting rings had temporarily opened up. Lori would normally have shut them down, but even she was in too high spirits to rob the seventh years of their fun.

Harry, on the other hand, looked like he was about to vomit.

Lori accosted him right before he had to head to the make-shift arena that Charlie and his friends had built and led him to the Gryffindor Common Room, which was nearly empty.

She came down from her dormitory after a few minutes, holding out a crinkled white bag to him, "These are for your nerves."

Harry opened the bag, smiling at her when she realised it was a batch of Mrs Weasley's finest fudge. He pulled her into a hug, "Thanks, Lori."

The girl chuckled, "You're more than welcome, Harry. Hermione told me once that eating when you're nervous makes you feel more confident. Something to do with survival instincts."

Harry nodded, pocketing the small bag.

"And don't forget, Harry," she looked at him, "you are not the weakest link here. Show them that a fourth year is just as capable as them. Show them Harry Potter can win."

She ruffled his hair playfully as he exited through the portrait hole, waiting for a few moments to make sure he was gone. Satisfied, she unvanished the various piles of banners that she and the rest of the Quidditch team had made.

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