Fifty Eight

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Spells ricocheted through the air, bouncing off trees as they raced away from the Snatchers, Harry helping Lori run

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Spells ricocheted through the air, bouncing off trees as they raced away from the Snatchers, Harry helping Lori run.

Blood oozed from her leg with every step, the glass tearing deeper into her flesh with each pained pace, though Harry took most of her weight. She turned, "Confringo!"

A nearby tree burst into flame, falling on its side and engulfing a Snatcher in its burning grasp, his screams rang raw through the air as they pressed on.

"Just... leave me." she winced, Harry ignoring her and tightening his grip around her waist as chains latched onto nearby trunks.

Hermione sprung into view beside them, motionless as she looked around at the Snatchers, surrounding her with defeat in her eyes. Lori shoved herself off Harry, crashing to the leafy floor as Hermione shot a spell at him, his face already disfiguring.

She shrieked in pain as her landing shoved the shard even deeper into her leg, the hilt almost invisible above her bloodied flesh.

"The Hallows exist," Harry whispered urgently to Hermione as she raced over, "but he's only after one of them, the last one. He knows where it is. He's gonna have it by the end of the night. You-Know-Who's found the Elder Wand."

A hand gripped around Lori's neck, dragging her to her feet and shoving her onto her injured leg, her face instantly paling as another wail fell from her lips. Scabior smirked from behind her as he pushed her ginger hair to one side and pressed his face to her neck as if smelling her.

Lori grunted as he threw her roughly to the side, another Snatcher pinning her with all his weight as he strode over to Harry, "What happened to you, ugly?"

Greyback, who was holding Harry with a tight grip turned.

"No, not you. What's your name?"

"Dudley. Vernon Dudley." Harry muttered, Greyback pulling the wand from his pocket.

Scabior grinned wickedly and moved over to Hermione, "And you, my lovely, what do they call you?"

Her voice was surprisingly calm as she answered, "Penelope Clearwater, half-blood."

His gaze shifted to Lori as he slinked over, roughly grabbing her shoulder and pulling her up, "What about you?"

She cleared her throat slightly, ignoring her brother thrashing around beside her, "Danielle Clarke-Thomas."

"There's no Vernon Dudley on here!" one of the Snatchers informed, thumbing through a small book.

Greyback sneered down at Harry, "Did you hear that, ugly? The list says you're lying. How come you don't want us to know who you are?"

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