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'Playing the Slytherins'

The Lions walked out onto pitch to tumultuous applause and multiple red and gold banners

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The Lions walked out onto pitch to tumultuous applause and multiple red and gold banners. Gryffindors, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs alike wore stripes of crimson war paint on their cheeks, even some of the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students had joined in.

This would be the most furious match of the Cup and everyone knew it: the rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin had always been the deepest.

Lori smiled at each member of her team in turn, Fred, George, Angelina, Katie and Alicia, before falling on her secret weapon: Ginny.

Hooch beckoned Lori and Montague forwards, her voice brisk, "I want there to be no foul play, do you both understand?" she waited for them to both nod, "Captains, shake hands."

Their hands clasped together, Montague's grip incredibly strong as he whispered, "I'm gonna knock you off your broom."

Lori smiled, "You better be quick about it."

They separated, walking back to their teams. Lori pulled hers in to a huddle, "Slytherin seem like they're gonna play dirty. Stick to the play as much as possible, but not if it gets you hurt. The game isn't more important than your life."

"Unless you're Oliver," Fred joked, getting a glare from his sister, "sorry."

The Lions grabbed the brooms, quickly mounting and flying into the sky, the Serpents joining soon after. Lori had to fight her instinct to look for the Quaffle, honing her vision on the Snitch in the ball box on the floor.

Hooch blew her whistle, the balls all soaring into the air as the crowds went haywire, stamping and clapping and whooping. Malfoy and Lori flew upwards, both trying to find the smallest ball and keep away from the action.

"And that's the new Chaser, Ginny Weasley, with the Quaffle," Lee Jordan excitedly commented to the stadium, "who passes to Bell, then to Spinnet and back to Bell as she shoots and is intercepted by Slytherin's Captain, Montague."

Lori groaned, trying to avoid watching the action below her and focus on finding the Snitch.

"Quaffle in Slytherin possession, from Montague to Pucey, who shoots... and the shot is saved by new Gryffindor Keeper, Angelina Johnson!"

A sea of red from most of the stadium
climbed to their feet and clapped.

Malfoy was no closer to finding the Snitch than she was. Lori suddenly had a bright idea, remembering what Cedric had taught her.

"Has Weasley seen the Snitch?" Lee asked excitedly, "Weasley sprints towards the ground, Malfoy hot on her heels..." Lori suddenly pulled up, missing the earth by an inch. Malfoy wasn't so lucky, "And Weasley tricked Malfoy into a Wronski Feint! An excellent strategy by the Gryffindor Captain!"

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