Twenty Seven

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'The Appeal'

Cedric, Lori and Roger were outraged when they found out that the ban against the Quidditch teams didn't extend to the Slytherins

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Cedric, Lori and Roger were outraged when they found out that the ban against the Quidditch teams didn't extend to the Slytherins. They marched straight up to her office and knocked politely, though secretly all three of them wanted to storm in and hex her right there and then.

"Come in." her sickly sweet voice rang, the two boys letting Lori through first before filing in after her, "Yes?"

"Professor," Roger began, knowing he was the most diplomatic of the three, "we don't think that the Quidditch ban is fair."

Umbridge smiled, "Unfortunately, Mr Davies, life isn't fair. Surely all your time playing that violent game has taught you that."

Roger huffed silently between Lori and Cedric, clenching his fists behind his back.

Cedric slowly spoke up, "Professor, with all due respect, Quidditch teaches us invaluable life lessons and brings us together as a school."

"And has injured many students in the process." she frowned, flicking through a list on her desk, "Mr Potter, Miss Bell and Miss Johnson have all ended up in the Hospital Wing with Quidditch related injuries from the Gryffindor team alone."

Lori grimaced, remembering as Harry had fallen from his broom, Angelina had been hit by two Bludgers at once and Katie had been hit in the mouth with one of the Beater's bats, "It's an integral school tradition. The Quidditch Cup was been awarded every year in living memory."

"Then it's time we break tradition, as your foul sport often breaks bones, don't you think?"

Roger was suddenly struck with a great idea, "But what's the point in only having one team? They'll have no one to play against, rendering the entire purpose of their existence completely null and void."

He'd got her right where he wanted her, and she knew it, "Very well, Mr Davies, the Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw teams are henceforth reinstated."

The three Captains smiled at each other, before the happiness fell from the faces at her next remark, "But the liar, Harry Potter, is not allowed to play."


Filch dragged Trelawney's trunk out of the castle and into the courtyard, dumping it at the ex-Divination professor's feet. Sybil Trelawney trembled as she, and the entire school who were observing, watched Umbridge walk out, her neon heels clicking against the cobbles.

"Sixteen years I've lived and taught here," Trelawney sobbed, "Hogwarts is my home. You can't do this."

Umbridge held up a document, "Actually, I can." McGonagall appeared through the crowd, racing out to embrace Trelawney and letting her cry on her shoulder, "Something you'd like to say, dear?"

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