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'Slug Club'

Finding seats as far away from McLaggen as they could, Hermione and Lori sandwiched Harry in at the Slug Club table, all of them now tucking into large ice cream sundaes as their main meals were taken away

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Finding seats as far away from McLaggen as they could, Hermione and Lori sandwiched Harry in at the Slug Club table, all of them now tucking into large ice cream sundaes as their main meals were taken away.

"So tell me, Cormac," Slughorn turned to the Gryffindor beside him, "do you see anything of your Uncle Tiberius these days?"

With a cocky smile in the two girls' directions, he replied, "Yes, sir. In fact, I'm meant to go hunting with him and the Minister for Magic over the holidays."

"Well, be sure to give them both my best. What about your uncle, Belby?" he turned to his other side, "For those of you who don't know, Marcus's uncle invented the Wolfsbane Potion. Is he working on anything new?"

Marcus Belby, a Ravenclaw boy in Lori's year, had chocolate ice cream all over his face and his napkin tucked into his shirt. He spoke through a mouthful, "Don't know. Him and dad don't get on. Probably because me dad says Potions are rubbish. Says the only potion worth having is a stiff one at the end of the day."

Slughorn sighed quietly, "What about you, Miss Granger? What does your family do on the Muggle world?"

Hermione smiled, "My parents are dentists. They tend to people's teeth."

"Fascinating. And is that considered a dangerous profession?"

"No. Although, one boy, Robbie Fenwick, did bite my father once. He needed ten stitches."

After an awkward silence, the door opened and Ginny, with red eyes, came in.

"Ah, Miss Weasley. Come in, come in." Slughorn said jovially, Ginny moving to the seat beside her sister and smiling slightly.

"Look at her eyes," Hermione whispered to Harry and Lori, "they've been fighting again. Her and Dean."

She pulled her empty chair back, "Sorry, I'm not usually late."

"No matter," Slughorn said while laughing, "you're just in time for dessert. That is, if Belby's left you any.

Harry shot to his feet just as Ginny moved to sit, Hermione and Lori sharing a discreet glance as they both took their seats.


"Goodbye!" Slughorn smiled as they all started filing out of the room, "Bye-bye!" The Potions Master slowly shut the door, surprised to still see Lori and Harry there, "Potter? Weasley?"

"Sorry, sir." Harry stammered, "We were just admiring your hourglass."

Slughorn smiled as he moved towards them, "Oh, yes, a most intriguing object. The sand runs in accordance with the quality of the conversation. If it is stimulating, the sand runs slowly. If it is not..."

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