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'Back on the Pitch'

Needless to say, Fred and George finding their sister asleep over a set of Quidditch plays, with ink dried on her face, gave them bad reminders of their previous Captain

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Needless to say, Fred and George finding their sister asleep over a set of Quidditch plays, with ink dried on her face, gave them bad reminders of their previous Captain. As far as nearly the whole school was aware, the Cup had been cancelled this year because of the Triwizard Tournament.

The only explanation for her behaviour was that Lori was slowly becoming Oliver Wood.

Slowly, George shook her shoulders, "Hey, sis? You wanna get breakfast?"

A low grumble was all the response they got from her, the result of less than an hour's sleep once she had concluded she was finished with planning.

George shook her again, "Lori?"

Fred bent down to her ear, "You'll be late to class."

Her head shot up from the table, bringing several sheets of parchment with her and nearly headbutting Fred. A flustered Lori began to pile the plays together, racing to the stairs to get her bag ready.

"Relax, Lori, it's a Saturday." George said, her shoulders visibly slackened at his words as she came to a pause halfway up to her dormitory.

"Oh, thank Merlin," she rubbed her head where she had slept on it, "I'll see you two in two minutes."

Swinging the door to her dorm open, Lori was greeted with the sight of her roommates still lightly snoring in their beds. She quietly tiptoed to her bed, changing out of her robes and into a jacket and trousers.

Fred and George were waiting for her when she came back down the stairs into the Common Room, still confused  as to how Lori could walk and braid her hair at the same time.

"How early is it?" she yawned.

"It's seven, we've got ages until the others will be up." George informed her.

"Good," she said, as the three of them clambered through the hole left by the Fat Lady's portrait swinging open, "I have an announcement to make."


Tired students made their way into the Great Hall in small groups, the Gryffindor table, like all of them, was basically empty. Katie had sat opposite her best friend, given that she had her brothers sat on both sides of her, Angelina and Alicia joined them soon after.

"Right, guys," Lori began, doing a quick headcount, "someone go and get Harry."

Fred shot up, fetching their Seeker and returning with him moments later.

"The Cup is on this year."

Most of them didn't think they had heard her right in their half awake states. Angelina rubbed her eyes and stifled a yawn.

"Nothing official, but the other three Captains have agreed to host a tournament of friendlies this year."

The others started clapping, snatching the attention of nearby Gryffindors, until Lori silenced them with an aggressive shake of the head, "We need to keep this quiet. Seeing as we don't have a Keeper anymore, I don't want people begging me to put them on the team."

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