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Sonic, are you okay? What's going on?! He heard your nervous scream. It would be a lie if he said he wasn't ever so slightly comforted from the sound of your voice. He was panting, terrified for his life.

I got this under control! Don't worry, (Y/N)! That was a bit of a lie, but he wanted to keep you at ease. He furrowed his brows as he quickened his pace and sped faster on the asphalt, each step taken clapping onto the road.

He weaved in and out of cars, evading the strikes from above by the doctor. So far so good, he was holding his ground well.

An explosion behind him on a nearby car forced him to dodge and...

Hey now! Hold on a second!

You're probably wondering how we got here, in this situation. Yeeeeep. An alien escaping a mad genius scientist isn't something you see every day.

You see, it's kind of a long story. It'd be pretty hard to explain...

How about we start from the very beginning? No no, not the beginning of the story... the VERY beginning.


Me and Sonic came from the most wonderful island. I was tossed out by my parents as a kid, but Sonic found me and we became instant friends!

That island had everything for us. Sandy beaches, cascading waterfalls, public access to loop-de-loops.... heck, I didn't even have to catch a single school bus! Sonic could run us to the other side of the island in less than two seconds. I'm not joking, he really could! It was a dream. And it was a welcome dream I yearned for.

...Nnnnow that I think about it, there was no school. I know, pretty great island, isn't it?

Longclaw raised us. She was a wise, old owl, and raised us both. She's apparently the last of her kind, and a guardian? She never explained to us what she guarded.

I was... well, abused, but Longclaw made me feel welcome and safe again, and Sonic too! He was the best friend I could have made. With us together, there was nothing we couldn't do!

"Sonic! Slow down, would you?" You giggled, as he ran around a loop-de-loop and over a giant pit with you.

"Hahaha, no way! I feel so alive!" He chanted, heading up the long stairway to Longclaw's home. "But, you might... okay." You fumbled with your little thumbs awkwardly.

Sonic made it to Longclaw's doorstep, and she was there, calm and peaceful, her eyes closed. She was tranquil.

"Longclaw!" You hopped down out of Sonic's little arms and gave the owl a big, goofy grin. Sonic rolled into a ball and bumped into her gently to awaken her from slumber. Her beautiful blue eyes fluttered opened. She must've been meditating or having a dream, you thought. Sonic giggled as he uncurled, revealing his big, bulging eyes and his own trademark cheeky smile.

"Oh, kids!" She blinked a few more times before shaking her head. The feathery mother figure of yours pulled a look of exasperation— she furrowed her brows and stared your friend down with a concerned glare. "Sonic, sweetie, I told you not to go out again! You could have been spotted."

"Pbbbt. No I wasn't! I'm too fast!" Sonic attempted too look menacing and stuck out his tongue. He took a hand and reached into his quills and pulled out a little, handpicked sunflower. "Aaaand... we went out to bring you this!" He offered it to her. You watched happily, you helped him pick the perfect flower.

Longclaw looked touched, seeing the children she raised hand her such a delicate yet beautiful gift.

"Oh, kids, you shouldn't have..." she said softly, reaching out to accept the generous gift of his. Your grin widened proudly at the affectionate look she had. She was interrupted by a slight creak outside, and she knew exactly who it was.

"GET DOWN!" Without a second moment's notice, she grabbed you both, shut the door, and covered you like a blanketed cave. The sunflower dropped onto the ground, as Sonic lost his grip. Arrows piled onto the wooden door, but none getting in past the arrowhead. Another pierced the window and shattered the poor thing, stabbing into the heart of the sunflower. Sonic looked mortified at his gift's imminent death. An echidna peeked out to see you. Another held up a net, opening it a bit in preparation to snag anyone who gets ensnared. "Hold on, kids!" Longclaw held you and Sonic each in one talon and flew off, escaping through another window. The echidnas quickly gave chase.

You and Sonic had no clue what was happening in the world around you. It was a blur, so unclear. You could barely even make out the guilty look Sonic had, blaming himself for what happened. Longclaw was in the air, flying you two to safety, doing her best to protect you, but for how long?

You weren't the one the tribe was after. You didn't have the special powers or the innate ability to run at high speeds. You weren't the talented one that could win any marathon if you barely even tried.

Sonic was.

You saw an arrow flying towards you and screamed a warning to Longclaw, but by the time it came too close, it was too late. The arrow pierced Longclaw's side, and she yelled in pain, losing her aerodynamics and plummeting. In a last resort she held her broad wings over you two to protect you from the fall, and you clung onto her and Sonic. In a situation such as this, what was a little 3 year old supposed to do?

Longclaw pierced through the trees and landed on the ground. The echidnas were coming. She quickly heaved her lumbering body up and off you, approaching Sonic immediately after.

"Listen carefully Sonic," she said, slightly heartbroken at what she had to do. "You have a power unlike anything I've ever seen. And that means someone will always want it. The only way to stay safe is to stay hidden." Sonic lowered his gaze and fiddled with his thumbs.

The owl pulled out a small ring from a brown bag tied around her chestplate. With precision, she aimed it in front of her and tossed it. The golden item grew large, and revealed a forest. "This planet is on the far side of the universe. You should be safe there."

"But I don't want to go without you!" The 4 year old protested sadly. "You must.

"These rings will be your most important possession. If you're ever discovered, use one." She untied the bag that wove around her neck and planted it into the small palms of the toddler.

"Never stop running. Now go!" Longclaw pushed Sonic in and he began to run, and she began to beckon you to go as well. "No! I won't leave you, Longclaw!" You held onto her leg as the echidnas were running towards you.

"(Y/N). I trust you can watch over him. Please, keep him safe, guide him." She gave you a small pendant, and you watched it curiously. An orange, florescent crystal was tied to the bottom of it. "You'll need this when you're older. Never take it off. I can't explain— now go! Before it's too late!"

She pushed you in with the guide of her wing before outstretching both to give the ring enough time to close. You fell face first into the dirt and looked up just as Sonic came running back with an ear-piercing scream, "LONGCLAW!"

"Goodbye, kids." Longclaw said, her voice breaking a bit.

Sonic continued running, but the portal faded right as he came near. "NO!"

He slowed to a halt and stood there, shaking and panting, at the emptiness of the forest. She was gone.

You got up and tightly hugged your friend.

You were alone, afraid, and confused.

And Longclaw wasn't going to be there to guide you.

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