Batter Up!

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Just as you suspected. Children and grown-ups alike were gathered together for a tight match. You and Sonic snuck in undetected, watching the game from afar. It was on its final batter, you noted, and a kid with metal on his teeth was up to bat.

"Whoa... it is the playoffs!" Sonic grabbed your hand and ran under the bleachers to see the teams play better. He practically radiated childlike wonder as he watched them.

That's one of the things you loved about him. No matter what, he still kept exposed his inner child. So what if he was 14? You were 13 and wished to have half the energy he had.

Since Longclaw entrusted his safety in your hands, you had to watch over him, even if you were just a year younger than him. You're a tad more mature than the teen. He rarely listened to you though, but on occasion he would, and those occasions kept him safe from detection.

The kid at the plate got into position and readied the baseball bat. The pitcher stared him down, bending himself back, and with a powerful throw, tossed the baseball. He swung the bat, and the ball was launched far into the air. Taking this as a chance, he dropped the bat and ran to first base. The kids in the outfield ran to grab it, yet the attempt proved unsuccessful. The kid was able to run around all the bases! Home ruuuun!

You looked over your shoulder at your blue friend. His face was full of the raw wonders of being a child again. He looked like he hadn't aged a day in his life. His eyes were seemingly giant, maybe because of the low light you got under the bleachers. He obviously yearned for the feeling of pride that the kid did, giving his team a wave of high-fives. Though you weren't a sports person, you knew Sonic was.

The game ended not long after. The metal mouth kid's team won solely based on the home run, and his whole team was celebrating. You both slipped out undetected before everyone was dismissed, and your hedgehog friend wouldn't shut up about the game for hours.

Well, at least one of you was happy.


"Didn't you see that? That was a perfect swing! And with such a precise strike on the bat! Man, I want to do that!" Sonic said, scarfing down the last of the sandwich you retrieved. "I know, it was great." You rolled your eyes at his energy.

"I wonder if someday we'll find somewhere accepting of us! Maybe one day we'll be like him! Maybe one day... we'll be loved again." Sonic's enthusiasm dropped as his gaze followed suite.

"Hey. Sonic. You know I'm here for you. I'm sure we'll find that special place someday, even if it isn't Earth after all." You patted his shoulder and gave him a warm smile.

"Yeah. Someday." A small look of acceptance crossed his face.

"Well, I'm gonna take my little siesta. Good night, (Y/N)!" He stood up and started for the bean bag chair. He usually slept there.

"Good night, Sonic." You headed for your little hammock. Just as you were about to hop on, you felt a warm embrace envelop you from behind. Sonic had run over to give you a last-minute hug. You turned yourself a bit in his grip and poked his forehead. "You're a dork."

"Oi. Don't single me out." He snorted with a smirk. "We're dorks."

"I'll single you out as much as I want! At least I'm not the idiot."

"D'oh, you and I both know that's a lie."

"If you're gonna challenge me, challenge me with good insults and quirky words. Make me enthused, you blue devil!"

Sonic let go and stroked his chin. "I'll have something good cooked up in the morning. You'll see!" He walked off backwards.

Yeah, he'd totally forget all about it by morning,

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