Drones and Doctors

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Donut Lord crammed you and Sonic into his attic to hide you from the government just feet outside the house.

"Stay here, and be quiet." Donut Lord said to both of you. You nodded, but Sonic wasn't having any of it.

"Good plan. Great plan. We are already working so well together. Practically finishing each other's sentences!" The hedgehog's tone was sarcastic and queer. You elbowed him in the side as a signal to shut up.

As Tom shut the attic, Sonic waved awkwardly, "Oh, okay bye."

Now all that was left was to wait it all out.

Just sit there... patiently... and wait for Donut Lord.

... just... wait... and stay still...


"UGH." You groaned. "This is boring!"

There was pretty much nothing interesting to do to occupy your time. Life was better when you were lounging around a cool cave and messing around with the stuff you've collected over a decade.

Sonic seemed impatient as well, just sitting on the ground, looking out the window on the roof. You watched him curiously, sitting down next to him.

"Hey, Sonic?" You asked quietly.

"Mmm?" He responded, not taking his green eyes off of the clouds above.

"We haven't really had the chance to talk since last night. Are you doing okay?"

He thought for a second, rolling onto his stomach and playing with the floorboards, tracing the cracks with his gloved fingers. "I dunno. Somethin' about this whole circus act just has me on tenterhooks."

"I'm sure we'll get the rings back and make it to the mushroom world. Donut Lord can get us there." You replied with a glint in your eye that hope was on the horizon.

"But what if we don't?" He looked over at you.

"I'm sure."

"We're seen as an old wive's tale on this planet, (Y/N). The moment they realize we're real we're not safe anymore. Because of me... we're one step closer to that reality."

"It isn't your fault." You furrowed your brows. Why did he always turn any argument against himself?

"We wouldn't have been forced on Earth— no. I wouldn't have been forced on Earth if I didn't act so sure nothing would go wrong."

"What do you mean by this?"

"You're not the one with the insubordinate powers! The tribe had no reason to go after you. They wanted me. I put you and Longclaw in danger because of my stupidity and it's all my fault."

"Sonic, please. I came here with the sole purpose of protecting you. Longclaw knew what was best for both of us, and my job isn't to sit around letting you mope and blame yourself for every little thing that goes wro—"

A small droid dropped down from the window and began to scan the room. You silenced yourself, grabbing Sonic's hand, and running behind a box. This definitely helped Sonic's excuse to blame himself for everything.

"See what I mean? Wherever I go there's trouble." Sonic muttered, peeved.

The droid's lasers continued scanning over the room, getting dangerously close to you. Your heart rate spiked, the dread of being detected overtaking you.

You turned to look at Sonic, but he was no longer at your side. Where could he have..?

As you searched the room with panicked eyes, you spotted a curious looking blue ball stacked up with a number of different sports supplies. Spiky and furry. Yeah, you found him.

Rings - Movie!Sonic x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat