Green Hills

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Ten years later...

"Sonic, are you sure this is a good idea?" You snapped from the bushes. "What if he sees you?"

"Relax. I'll be fine!" Sonic retorted, observing the police car. "You know I love playing around with good ol' Donut Lord."

"Yes, yes, I know. But what if this time you get caught? We're too close for that now."

"Take a chill pill, (Y/N/N)! I'm just gonna go mess with him for a while and we'll be back in the cave, lickety split! Capeesh?"

You groaned and saw that the argument was getting redundant. Arguing with Sonic was like talking to a brick wall. "Fine! Capeesh. Just, please stay safe." You hid further in the bushes, your (fur/quills/etc.) getting a bit knotted in the dead shrubbery. Gah, hey! Get off! You grunted, trying to get off. Meanwhile, Sonic dashed off to go play with the sheriff. You wished he listened to you more often.

You finally got yourself free and the tugging pains went away. "Phew. Well, that solves one problem." You muttered, eyeing through your hiding spot to try and spot your blue friend.

Right as you caught sight of him, he was watching intently as the man inside was eyeing a turtle crossing the road. Once he turned away, Sonic dashed by 'Donut Lord's' car door. The sheriff noticed the thing inside light up and shuffled to read some red letters on it. From where you were, he looked confused. Sonic leaped up onto the back of the police car and snickered to himself as he zoomed by again. He checked his speed a final time, raising a fist in victory and speeding off. Now the officer was alert. He checked again and opened up the door, walking outside to check what was happening.

Something caught his eye in the bushes where you were hiding, however. He began walking to where you were. Oh no, that wasn't good, did he see you rustling around in the bushes? You freaked out and silently scrambled farther away in openings between shrubs so he wouldn't see you. But he was too close for comfort, so as a last resort, you hid in the bushes next to his police car.

The officer reached into the bushes and took out a small quill. It was Sonic's! He stared at it with a trivial face before getting signal from one of his buddies to retreat. Staying out for just a second longer, he took the quill with him for safe keeping. You were relieved that he was finally leaving, until you realized you had to move again. You darted back into your original hiding spot and watched the officer drive away.

You breathed a heavy sigh of relief. You were safe.

The turtle Donut Lord was watching had nearly made it to the other side of the road, near you. You smiled at the little creature. It was honestly a little cute! That is, before you acknowledged the car speeding by. The wheel of the thing was aligned just right to where it would spray turtle guts all over the floor like stepping on a ketchup packet. You choked and scrambled to get yourself free and grab the turtle, fearing for the worst. That is, until Sonic speeds by and snags it right off the ground.

"Whoa, buddy! You almost got yourself killed out there! What are you, some kind of adrenaline junkie?" Sonic tapped his shell. "Must be rough, being slow all the time. Tell you what! Today is your lucky day."

Ohhh no.

"I'm just gonna head home. I'll see you there, Sonic". You tip-toed away towards the direction of your cave. You knew he would beat you there, but you didn't want to see what he would do to the poor turtle on the way. He nodded, saluting, and dashed off in the same direction, turtle in tow.

Maybe you should've gone with him.

With a long sigh, you began jogging to the cave.


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