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"The floors were sticky. The crowd was rough. And the odds were against us. But there was no stopping Donut Lord, Football, and the Blue Blur!" Sonic bounced on the bed like a little child. "Scratch another one off my list!" He got down and snagged the little booklet he still had and crossed out 'Win a Bar Fight' off of it.

"Why do I get the lame nickname?" You complained, half-jokingly.

"(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)." He shook his head and clicked his tongue. "You don't do anything nickname-worthy."

"Yeah? I totally do."

"Alright then. Name one thing you do that is nickname-worthy."

"W-well... I give you good advice and keep you safe."

"So are you a counselor or my mom? C'mon, (Y/N)! You can do better than that."

"Hm. So maybe I don't do anything significant yet. But why 'Football?'"

"You looked ready to make a touchdown out there, (Y/N). Your face was going to be punted across the entire room."

Well, he wasn't wrong, by any means.

"You two are weird little creatures, aren't you?" Tom chuckled. You forgot all about his presence in the room. "Are you sure you two aren't a thing?"

"Positive. 100%." You cut in quickly.

"Yeah, no. We're just the bestest of friends." Sonic wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you in closer to him for dramatic effect.

"Bestest isn't a—"

"Shhshh. Let me have this." Sonic squeezed your shoulder. "I need this glory."

"What glory do you get out of proving a simple point? You didn't solve world hunger, global warming, or anything significant by inventing a new word."

"I want the satisfaction of the irony."

"I don't think you're using that word right."


You rolled your eyes. Whatever wordplay he was using against you was confusing and mind boggling.

Tom walked over and handed you two ice packs as he sat down on the bed closest to the bathroom. You eyed it curiously. He pressed it up against his face and hissed from the soreness. You and Sonic exchanged a look before copying him. Sonic went as far as copying the sounds he made.

"Okay." Tom lowered the ice pack, looking Sonic's way.

"So what are we gonna do now?" Sonic said enthusiastically, his eyes holding a curious gaze to them.

"I'm gonna pass out watching TV. I think you should, too." The cop replied.

"But this is our last night on Earth!" You whined.

"I wanna soak up every last second." Sonic protested.

"Well, anything you can find to do in this room, knock yourself out." Tom offered.

Sonic darted his eyes around the room innocently for a few seconds before dispersing around the room in a flurry of blue hedgehogs.

One was messing with the tissues and flinging them around the entire hotel room aimlessly, scattering them all around.

Another was fiddling with the television, rapidly changing the channels.

Another was in a drawer for no good reason.

Another had a lampshade on his head, trying to keep his balance on a ledge above Tom's bed.

Another was running around dragging a long streak of toilet paper across the room.

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