He's My Friend

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Residents of Green Hills accumulated as a giant ring appeared in the center of town. Out tumbled Sonic, brutally beaten up. He rolled right up to the center of the street, barely moving, along with his bag of rings that landed on top of the gutter. Next was the scientist himself, appearing menacingly from the cascades of sand floating around, enveloping the jet and mystifying the whole approach.

"You are an astonishing little creature." Eggman sneered as the top of the jet opened once more. Just then, you, Tom, Maddie, and Farmer Zimmer appeared from around the corner. You saw who was laying on the ground and nearly choked.

"SONIC!" you screamed, running up instantly to the hedgehog and kneeling down in front of him. Maddie followed you as Tom stayed behind to confront Eggman. He found the bag of rings on the gutter, picking it up and running off somewhere.

Residents of the town gasped, realizing there wasn't just one little alien anymore, now there were two.

"The Devil Duo?" One lady whispered.

"They're real?" One man muttered.

"Crazy Carl was right all along?" Another man said.

"One of them is blue, the other one is (F/C). The Blue Devil and the (F/C) Demon are real!" The first lady gasped.

"Oh my god. Guess I owe Peter a couple of bucks." The second man shook his head.

Eggman stayed silent, growling that you dare interrupt him, mid-victory, but he let you see the hedgehog before his imminent demise.

Sonic groaned, his green eyes unfocused and glossy. You lifted his head up to see his face. All he could see was you and a few hazy spots behind him. "(Y-Y/N)?" he whispered. "I'm here, Sonic... I'm here." Tears involuntarily rolled down your cheeks. Sonic looked terrible.

You rolled him onto his back and put the upper half of his body in your lap. His breath was weak and off of any regular tempo. He was covered in burns and scars, his fur singed and ruffled. You felt horrible. While you were standing by, communicating with him through your telepathy, you had no idea Sonic was trying to make you feel at ease over the harsh truth of reality. All you could do was talk to him, and hear him talk back to you. He was running for his life and you couldn't do anything. And now, you weren't sure if he would make it out to see another day.

"Sonic, you'll be okay. Please be okay." Your voice broke. You hated seeing the little hedgehog in such a poor condition.

He slightly turned his head towards you. He raised a weak hand and pressed it up against your cheek, wiping tears. "N...no tears..." he said weakly. That didn't help the flow at all. "S-Sonic..." you sobbed, giving him a bear hug but making it just loose enough to let him breathe. He clung onto you weakly.

Now Eggman was bored.

"Now that your petty little reunion is over... I can't wait to take you back to the lab to perform a litany of invasive exploratory procedures." Eggman said from afar, impatiently awaiting you to stop the waterworks. "Any last words?"

"... Guac." Sonic mumbled, barely audible. "I like that word." His breath slowed dramatically and what little grip he had on you fell as his green eyes were hidden behind his lids. You could only use the soft, lumbering breaths he took and the rise and fall of his chest to indicate he was still holding onto some sliver of life. "Sonic, no, don't— don't do this to me!" You sobbed. "Don't leave me!" This couldn't be happening. You weren't ready to let him go. All the moments you shared, all the tension, all the times you stuck up for each other, everything you've ever done together... it rushed back.

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