San Francisco (Part Two)

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As a last minute compromise, you and Sonic had to hide yourselves in the bags that the Wachowskis brought alongside.

Maddie had a purse with her, and thankfully you were small enough to hide in there. The only downside was is that you and Sonic were held separately— 120-ish pounds of pure alien weight could do a lot to a single person. You didn't mind too much, as long as you were safe and protected.

There was a little slip of light that made its way through to your face, so at least you could see the ceiling and a bit of the world around you.

Wait. Sonic was afraid of the dark. Ohhh no... You hoped he was coping with this.

You could hear the muffled voices of Tom and another unfamiliar lady talking about 'jumpers on the roof.' It wasn't all that exciting, really.

"You came all the way from Montana." The lady at the counter said, surprisingly just clear enough for you to hear.

"Yep. That's how serious it is." Tom said, flicking closed his wallet. You could almost see the lady looking in his and Maddie's direction and hoped that she didn't see you. Finally, she gave him the key to the roof.

"You just saved a life." Tom said at last, taking it in his hold.


You were somewhere else now, you couldn't see where but it was different.

I feel so condensed, you thought... but this thought felt different.

Yeah, me too, voice-in-my-head, some other voice responded, but it wasn't your own.

Uh, wha—? you thought. I'm not a voice.

Wait, are you not a voice? Then what are you?

YOU'RE the voice. I'm (Y/N).

(Y/N)? the voice pondered. Heyyy, this isn't some kind of prank or my conscious playing games with me, is it?

I don't see why I would joke about this. Who are you?

Sonic. he said. Are you sure you aren't just some figment of my imagination pretending to be (Y/N)?

No, looks like we're telepathically interconnecting our thoughts or something.

You noticed that your pendant was glowing again. Was it doing this?

Boy, that's weird. You could almost hear Sonic's shuddering. You better be the real (Y/N) talking right now or so help me I must be going insane.

I am, I'm not joking around with you. I think it's because of Longclaw's pendant, it's glowing again.

Sonic didn't talk anymore. Rather, not to you.

"How much longer? I can't breathe in here!" Sonic said out loud. When he noticed the lack of response, he talked again. "Hello? Anybody there?"

"Do you have your child in that bag?" A new voice asked, a female.

"No," Tom replied. "I mean yes, it's a child, but it's not mine."

Bad move. You wanted to facepalm.

"'s not your child." A new, male voice, repeated.

"Relax. I'm a cop, okay? Plus, he likes it in there, don't you, buddy?"

"Why would I like it in here?" Sonic asked. "This is worse than the dog cage you had me in earlier!"

Okay. If the 'child in a bag' schtick wasn't conspicuous, the 'child in a dog cage' thing definitely was.

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