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~ Dana's POV ~

" I think you should go back to the apartment," Kiana tells me.

"No, it's okay," I said.

"Dana, I really think you should. I'll take you back, it's okay if we miss today's class."

"You just don't want to go to class huh?"


"Kiana, we're going to class," I demanded. "My Mom would kill me if I missed."

"But you have an excuse..." she says and I start to walk to the building our class was in.

"You're still gonna go to class?" I hear someone say in my direction.

I turn my head to the right where the voice was coming from. It was the guy who helped me earlier. So he does speak...

"Sorry?" I say. I have no idea why I said that but I did. Kiana comes up beside me.

"You should probably go home and rest," he says.

"I agree with him!" Kiana says.

"Uhh..." I stammer. "I'm fine to go to class."

"You can barely walk," he tells me and I look down at my legs.

"I'm a nursing major, I know I'm fine."

He doesn't say anything but looks away.

"Are you going to go home too?" I ask him.

He cross his arms, still not looking at me. "No."

"See? You're more hurt than I am and you're not going home to rest," I say to him.

"But I can walk," he defends himself.

"Your hand is hurt..."

"I'm fine. Worry about yourself." That was the last thing he said before walking away.

It basically left me speechless but wondering.

"We should go home," Kiana says, snapping me from my thoughts.

"No, we're going to go to class."


We walk in our apartment and the first thing I see are my parents.

"Dej Nag, we brought— what happened to you?!" My mom gasps and runs up to me.

"Uh..." I answer, not really knowing what to say.

"Kia Nag, what happened?" Mom asks Kiana. I look to her and mouthed her to not tell my Mom.

"A car almost hit her," she answers. I roll my eyes.

"Dab tsi?!" She screams. Here we go.

"Mom, it's not a big deal," I say to her.

"Not a big deal? You hurt like this!" My Dad says.

"We need to take you to the hospital," Mom says.

"No, I'm fine. You're overreacting, niam thiab txiv...)
(You're overreacting, mom and dad.)

"Zaum, zaum," she tells me and takes me to the couch.
(Sit, sit.)

I sit down. "Why're you guys here?"

Mom says, "We just brought you some food."

"Thank you."

"So, tell us," Dad starts to say, "what happened?"

"A car almost hit me but someone helped me and pushed me out of the way," I tell them. "That's all."

"But you still got hurt like this? They pushed you this hard?" Mom asks.

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