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~ Dana's POV ~

I was at the bonfire. Kiana, Kenny, and Ida went to get drinks and Bryson disappeared somewhere. It was actually getting really chilly and you'd think the bonfire would be making me warm but barely.

I had my arms around me and was shivering.

"Cold?" I hear Bryson come up to me and ask.

"Is it that obvious?" I reply.

"Well, you're by the bonfire and you're shivering... kind of hard to believe you're cold," he says sarcastically.

"It's still cold anyway."

I see him take off his hoodie and hand it to me.

"What?" I say.

"Take it," he tells me.


"Aren't you cold?"

I look at him then down at his hoodie.

"Thanks," I say and take his hoodie. I put it on me and put my hands in the pockets.

"Just, you can give it back to me when you leave or something," he says then leaves.

He's always leaving before I could say something.

"Oh, did Bryson give you his hoodie?" Kiana asks, walking up to me.

"Yeah, I was cold," I answer her.

"Even by the bonfire?"

"It's like 50 degrees."

"Winter just ended, what did you expect? It'd get warm immediately?" She laughs.

"I wish..."

"Want a sip?" She asks, lifting her cup up to me.

"What is it?"

"It's a mixed drink."

"What's in it?" I ask, looking in the cup.

"Pineapple juice, orange juice, and rum," she says while pointing at it.

"That actually sounds pretty good."

"Take a sip."

"I'm good."

"Dana," she says my name, "you've never had alcohol in your life. Even on your 21st birthday, you didn't drink and you're legally able to!"

"I don't want to become addicted," I tell her.

"You won't become addicted," she tells me. "I'm not. It's just fun to drink once in awhile."

"You drink at every social gathering."

"Well, yeah. It's kind of rude not to."

"I'm your DD. It's not a good idea for me to drink anyway," I say to her and we both know I have a point.

She puts her cup down. "Shit, I hate how you always have a valid point."

"Told you. Where's Kenny and Ida?" I ask.

"Probably together. I left them to come find you."

"Oh, how nice of you."

"Of course."

I feel someone come up beside me and they reek of alcohol. I look and it's a friend of ours.

"Rodney?" Kiana asks. "Are you okay?"

"Hey Kiana and Dana," he slurs, "how's it going?" He falls on me but I pushed him back up with the help of Kiana.

"You're drunk," I tell him.

"I know, I usually never drink this much. Could you guys take me home? I can't find Kenny or Alex anywhere," he says.

"Yeah sure," I said. We wrap Rodney's arms around us and take him to our car.

I drive to Rodney's apartment and we helped him out of the car.

He was having trouble walking himself so we helped him into his apartment. Good thing he lived on the first floor.

We got inside and I closed the door. Rodney fell onto the couch with Kiana falling onto it also.

I called Kenny but he didn't answer. I also called Alex but he didn't answer.

"Neither of them are picking up," I tell Kiana. "We can't have him here by himself."

She thinks for a second. "How about I stay here and take care of Rodney? I'll ask him to take me home tomorrow. You can go back to the bonfire or back to apartment if you want to," she suggested.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," I said then I realized something. I forgot that I still had Bryson's hoodie on me. "I'll probably go back to the bonfire to give Bryson his hoodie back."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, Dana," she says and I leave.


I get back to the bonfire and before getting out of my car, I take off the hoodie. I see Kenny right away after walking up to the bonfire and I go up to him.

"Hey Kenny," I said. "Have you seen Bryson?"

"Nope, but have you seen Ida?" He asks. "I went up to her apartment room but her roommate who's sick told me she never came to their room."

"No, I haven't. I actually left because Rodney was drunk and we brought him back to your guy's place," I tell him. "Kiana's with him right now and is staying overnight since you and Alex weren't anywhere around or answered my call."

"Oh, my bad. Thanks though," he says. "Isn't that Bryson's hoodie?" He pointed down at my hand.

"Yeah, I came back to return it back to him."

"Well, I have no idea where he is."

"That's okay, I'll just find him. I'll see you later," I said then left.

I searched around the whole apartment complex but he was nowhere to be found. I even ask some of the people here and they had no idea. It sucks because I don't have his number. Part of me just wants to give up and go home because it was starting to get late.

I decided to just go home and maybe I'll see him next time. I walk up to my car but I hear whispering and it caught my attention. I turn to where it was coming from and I see Bryson and I was about to yell his name until I saw Ida following behind him.

I duck my head so they didn't see me but I could still see them through my windows. I walk to the end of my car and looked over. I see them getting in a car with Bryson being in the driver's seat and Ida being in the passenger's seat. The car starts and he backs up from the parking spot. I watch him drive off but it wasn't very far. I got in my car and decided to follow them but made sure they didn't see me, not that they know what kind of car I drive but I didn't want them knowing anyone was around in case I caught them doing something sketchy.

I was parked around the corner while they were a little bit further ahead. I saw that they both got out of their car and went to the backseat. Then, I saw through their window, they were making out and he took his shirt off and they both ducked down, continuing to make out.

And, this is where I left. I didn't go back to the bonfire, I just went home because I can't believe what I just witnessed. Ida cheated on Kenny with Bryson and I knew about it. I don't know if I should tell him. I don't know if I should confront those two. I don't know if I should tell Kiana about it. I didn't know what to do.

My mind was mixed and confused. Why did I have to be in the middle of this? Why didn't I just leave and not follow them? Why did I come back to the bonfire? Why did I accept his hoodie? Why did I do any of these things when I couldn't just stayed home? Why?


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I also really liked how it turned out!

Make sure to follow & vote 😇

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