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Eventually, morning came and Taehyung was still asleep, cuddled with Yeontan on the comfortable couch. It was all peace and quiet until Jimin busted into the apartment.

"Tae, wake up!" He yelled and shook  the sleeping boy's shoulders in attempts of waking him up but Taehyung was sleeping so well that he didn't budge at all.

Jimin was frustrated beyond limit. He had juicy news to share and as much as hated the younger for ditching him at the club, he needed to tell him.

Taehyung grunted and scrunched his nose, finally showing signs of waking up from his deep slumber. As soon as his sight cleared, he was met with an agitated Jimin yet again.

That only caused him to sigh.

"What time is it?.." he asked in a groggy tone.

"Time to shut up and listen, Tae." Jimin scoffed but smiled when his best friend finally seemed interested.

"Ok, go ahead." He urged the older, despite his annoying headache. How much did he drink anyway?

He massaged his temples and stood up in order to give all his attention to Jimin. He noticed how rosy his chubby cheeks seemed to become and so Taehyung flashed him a brief smirk.

"Did you perhaps find your prince charming?"

The question seemed to hit the right spot since it made Jimin squeal into the nearby pillow. Taehyung watched him closely, waiting for the story.

"Look, I'm so mad at you for leaving me like that last night but that's not the point anymore. What I really want to tell you is that I, indeed, met a guy on my way home." Jimin squealed again, shaking Taehyung's broad shoulders, causing his headache to worsen.

"And? Did he walk you home? Tell me more about him." The younger pressed the subject more as he leaned back onto the couch.

Jimin's eyes resembled the stars. He seemed so happy.

"He did walk me home and we even exchanged numbers which is amazing because he's really cool. He has this bad boy style, you know? I thought he was super intimidating at first but he's actually really nice."

'Bad boy, huh..'

Taehyung tried to remember any details from last night because that particular aspect Jimin mentioned was oddly similar to something. He could remember meeting a guy but nothing else. Also, how did he even get home?

"Tae? Are you ok?" Jimin's soft voice brought him back to reality and he simply nodded.

"I'm fine. Just..trying to remember how I got home."

Jimin laughed and flicked his forehead, truly amused by how forgetful his friend was. Surely, he had too many drinks to remember details but the fact that he was this lost seemed so funny.

"I wanted to ask you as well but it seems like it'll remain a mystery."

Taehyung huffed and followed Jimin into the kitchen since he got hungry and figured it'd be best to cook breakfast for the two of them. He also needed to take an aspirin for that annoying headache of his.

"Did you have fun last night, Tae? I got really worried when you left all of a sudden." Jimin's soft voice reached his ears as he prepared an omelette for the two of them.

Taehyung arched an eyebrow, not really sure if the word 'fun' suited the situation since he could barely remember anything from the party.

"I mean, all I can remember is drinking that glass of whiskey so I guess I was in a pretty good mood since, you know, I went that far." He let out an airy laugh and faced Jimin while the eggs sizzled in the pan.

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