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Taehyung had been staring into the mirror for at least an hour, mumbling curses under his breath due to the fact that he couldn't do much to cover the obvious red bruise across his neck. He secretly rummaged through Jimin's belongings and found a concealer but not even that seemed to have an effect.

It was still there. There to taunt him and remind him of what had happened a few nights before. It wasn't like he hated it, but things would have turned out better if Yoongi wouldn't have left such a mark on him.

He went through the cabinets, hoping to at least find a bandaid large enough to cover it up and get away with it but he lived with Jimin who wasn't as gullible as he seemed.

Explaining was never his best asset, just like telling a lie, so he had to try his best in order to fool Jimin and not seem suspicious in the process.

"Found it." He muttered and proceeded to unwrap the bandaid, pressing it over the crimson red bruise.

He shuddered at the contact, somehow still feeling Yoongi's lips against his skin. Those soft lips that kissed him like no one ever did. Letting out a small sigh, he examined his neck and prayed to God that Jimin wouldn't question it.

Downstairs, he had found the shorter male preparing a nice breakfast for the two of them. He wasn't exactly the best cook out there, and definitely not a better one than Taehyung but his efforts were acknowledged every time and his meals usually turned out to be delicious so Taehyung didn't mind him cooking.

The smell of fresh coffee had always been Taehyung's favorite, which is also why he worked at a café in the first place. He flashed Jimin a brief smile and settled down at the counter, watching the older cook some eggs.

It definitely smelled and looked good enough for Taehyung's stomach to churn.

"Woah there. Do you think you can wait a bit more?" Jimin let out a laugh at the horrendous sound that just echoed in the kitchen.

Taehyung joined him, laughing at how hungry he seemed to be while covering his neck not-so-subtly.

"Say, what happened to your neck?" Jimin blurted out, his back facing an agitated Taehyung.

He put on a small smile, happy that Jimin wasn't facing him with that judging look across his face. "Yeontan bit me on accident while we were playing." He said and mentally patted himself on the back for coming up with a plausible explanation.

Jimin chuckled and finally turned around, wearing the expression Taehyung was most afraid of. Those soft eyes turned out to be fiercer than usual, brows meeting and creating a deep frown in the process. The breakfast was soon placed on the counter and as much as Taehyung wished to go ahead and eat, Jimin's judging stare wouldn't let him.

"Can I see it?" Jimin's lips formed an evil smile, causing Taehyung to fidget in his seat despite his serious expression.

"There's no point." He argued.

Jimin leaned closer, eyes gleaming with mischief at the poor attempts of defense. "There is, because you're lying to me."

Taehyung struggled to swallow the lump forming in his throat, averting his eyes somewhere else. "What makes you believe that?"

"Please, I know you better than anyone. You're acting way too strange over a simple bite from Yeontan." Jimin chuckled and snatched the bandaid from Taehyung's neck, his theory proving to be true.

It all happened too fast for Taehyung to process. He was left staring with his lips parted whilst Jimin grinned devilishly at the sight put on display.

"Well, I didn't know Yeontan could be this aggressive."

Taehyung sighed in defeat and looked back at Jimin, cheeks slightly rosy. "Promise me you won't do anything insane."

Jimin simply nodded. "You can count on me."

"It all happened during the time Yoongi offered to take me somewhere. We were having a great time, until he decided to kiss me-"

Jimin raised a hand, stopping him from speaking any further. He was quiet for a while until he started yelling all sorts of profanities, mostly directed towards Yoongi and his sinful acts. Taehyung knew it was bound to happen.

"Did you like it though?" The elder asked after his little tantrum came to a halt.

Taehyung let out a sigh, feeling bombarded by all sorts of emotions at once. His heartbeat accelerated just by remembering what Yoongi's lips felt like against his own, let alone his neck. The way he kissed him felt like heaven. So different and so right.

"He must be kissing people for a living because he does it really good." He blurted out, making Jimin smack the back of his head with a laugh.

"Damn, that explains the mark."


Thick strings of smoke slipped past Yoongi's lips, gradually obscuring his vision as he watched the night sky in the same place he had kissed Taehyung. He felt the need to be there. Maybe to relive the moment or maybe to feel that sense of comfort that enveloped him each time he found himself there.

Hoseok was just a few steps away, watching the stars as well with his hands stuffed inside the pockets of his leather jacket. It was oddly quiet for the two of them but neither knew what to do or say to ease the slight tension.

Though hating the smell of smoke that circled around Yoongi, Hoseok inched closer and examined his features, hoping to find a hint regarding what he felt.

Yoongi flashed him a side glance and exhaled a wave of smoke right into his face. "What." He rasped out, looking back up.

One particular star, brighter than the others somehow reminded him of Taehyung. It was beautiful and it stood out, just like him. He was bright and unique. Just what Yoongi liked in a person. Maybe that's why he often thought about him and tried to get closer. Maybe that's why he found him so special.

He stared at the star with the hint of a smile across his lips, making Hoseok wonder what ran through his head.

"I was just wondering if you're ok. You seem out of it." The younger mumbled and resumed watching the pretty sky above him.

Yoongi hummed lowly. He could never describe what he felt at the time, no matter how hard he tried. It was an enigma to him. Something so foreign, and as much as he wished to despise it, he couldn't. It felt right and something beautiful blossomed inside him each time he thought about it. Taehyung was the cause, that much he knew.

The way his pretty lips moved against his own felt like a drug he couldn't let go of. He wanted to feel that again. Over and over again, until his last breath. It sounded silly. Thinking about such things was silly but he could do nothing.

"I'm better than ever. I'm alive."

A/N was this alright?

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