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The café had been enveloped in a heavy silence. Taehyung was left dumbfounded by the words that slipped past Yoongi's lips.

He stared at the smirking man with wide eyes and pretty lips parted for what felt like forever. He just couldn't believe someone used the word 'intriguing' to describe him, Kim Taehyung, a lazy, weird and boring piece of shit, as Jimin stated multiple times.

He had never thought he'd get called an intriguing individual. By Min Yoongi, too.

The guy simply was too cool to say something this foolish.

"What?" He questioned, eyes still twice their actual size and Yoongi could have sworn he had never seen someone as cute as Taehyung.

Yoongi took a second to admire the boy's shocked features, not getting enough of his cuteness.

"Why do you seem so surprised, Taehyung ?" Yoongi's velvety voice followed after he got a look of the boy's nametag stuck on his apron.

Taehyung choked at the way his name rolled off Yoongi's tongue in the most pleasant way one could ever imagine. A rosy tint covered his cheeks as he averted his eyes somewhere else. It was way too difficult to maintain eye contact with such an intense person like Min Yoongi.

"I just never heard it before. I'm anything but intriguing. At least that's what my friend tells me." Taehyung spoke up, voice rather sad.

Yoongi placed his mug down and rested his chin onto his hand, observing the taller male with great interest. He didn't know anything about him. Heck, they barely met, but he was already into the boy. There was something about him that wouldn't leave Yoongi alone. A strange feeling that Yoongi couldn't name.

It definitely wasn't love. He knew that much. He wasn't the type of guy who got emotionally attached to someone. He didn't have time for that and it even seemed pointless. One night stands could easily do the trick.

No feelings attached meant less trouble to deal with and he liked it that way but Taehyung really was pulling him in.

"Your friend's opinion doesn't mean shit to me." He blurted out and Taehyung let out a low chuckle.

Taehyung was rather happy to hear that. It's not everyday you meet someone who says you're interesting and not a boring piece of shit.

"Well, thank you. I definitely won't forget what you said." Taehyung's bright boxy smile made Yoongi stare a bit too much, but it definitely wasn't his fault.

With someone as handsome as Taehyung in their presence, anyone would take their time to admire him.

"And even if you forget, I'll definitely remind you as often as possible." He winked and placed the money on the counter.

Taehyung watched as the older stuffed his veiny hands into his pockets and walked out of the café, leaving a faint trail of his addictive scent behind. Taehyung was still stunned by his presence but waved at Yoongi nonetheless.

"That guy seemed scary. Do you know him?" Seokjin's soft voice brought him to reality and he quickly shifted to a less flustered state before facing the older.

"Not really. It's the second time I see him so.."

Seokjin had a knowing smile on his face when he noticed the boy's rosy cheeks but said nothing else, sparing him from the embarrassment. Taehyung was like a little brother to him and they knew each other pretty well but Seokjin never thought he'd get to witness such a flustered Taehyung.

The boy was pretty much neutral when it came down to dealing with flirts. His reactions were usually nothing like the one he had just a few minutes ago.

"Something tells me you'll see him much often. He seems interested." Seokjin couldn't help himself from teasing Taehyung a bit. The opportunity had to be taken.

Taehyung shook his head and looked at Seokjin like he was stupid but his blush didn't go unnoticed. "Don't say such things, hyung. That's stupid. He's just playing around, you know."

"Who knows.."


It was late in the evening when Taehyung got back home. Jimin was already in his pajamas, enjoying a movie on the couch.

"I'm back." He mumbled and took his shoes off before joining Jimin who flashed him a small smile that soon faltered upon noticing the state his friend was in.

"What's wrong with you? You look..dead?"

Taehyung let out the biggest sigh yet. He was seriously done with Seokjin and his stupid teasing marathon. Jimin faced him and tilted his head to the side, surprised to see Taehyung blushing.

"Seokjin hyung wouldn't stop teasing me." He whined.

Jimin's plump lips stretched into a wide smile. He just knew Taehyung had something juicy to share and he couldn't help but fidget nervously.

"Why, why?"

Taehyung was screwed. He had a hunch that Jimin would keep him up at night and tease him continuously if he told him but it was unavoidable.

"You know..at the club that night I met a guy who took me home."

Jimin's eyes were huge and Taehyung wondered if they were about to explode or not.

"You what?"

"Today, he showed up again and we had a small conversation. He even called me intriguing and Seokjin hyung happened to hear it. He kept teasing me for-"

Jimin jolted up from the couch and started mumbling incoherent words, causing Taehyung to sigh and rub his temples. He knew Jimin would overreact.

"I can't believe it! Tell me more about him! How does he look like?"

Taehyung tried to keep up with the constant bombardment of questions and give his friend a proper description of Yoongi to which Jimin couldn't help but swoon over.

"I bet you two will end up together. End of discussion, Taehyung. From what I've heard, he seems interested."

"I've had enough."

Taehyung groaned and stood up, his cheeks getting rosy yet again. He stormed into his room in hopes of escaping Jimin's stupid rants. First Seokjin and now his best friend. What was wrong with them? He didn't even know this Yoongi guy and for all he knew, he could have been just kind.

There was absolutely no need to go overboard with the teasing.

Though as much as he wanted to, he still couldn't get over Yoongi and his compliment.

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