-twenty three-

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"Yes, he's awake now. What's next?"

Taehyung's ears perked up as soon as he could decipher Namjoon's muffled words from upstairs. Wasn't all this enough? There was more to come? He couldn't believe his ears the more he listened, all while he struggled to free his aching wrists first.

"Can't I get rid of him already? It's only a matter of time until Yoongi finds me and the plan will be in vain."

So Namjoon's main priority was getting rid of him as soon as possible. That way, he'd get the revenge he desperately craved, away from Yoongi's reach. If Taehyung remained alive any longer, he'd waste precious time and allow Yoongi to intervene, which would ruin his plan. Taehyung scoffed, the thought only pushing him forward. He wasn't going to sit by and do nothing.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, his efforts had paid off. His eyes grew wide once the realization hit him. His wrists were free.

That allowed him to work on his ankles next, quick, desperate movements following his ragged breaths in the freezing cold basement. His hands were shaking beyond his control, he ached all over and he was sure he'd get caught within the next few minutes if he didn't try harder. It felt like torture. Not being able to think straight, not being able to defend himself or look stronger during a situation so fucked up.

He wasn't as scared as he thought he'd be. If anything, he was impatient, determined. The thought of not being able to see Yoongi ever again only fueling the fire burning inside him. His movements had grown faster, more precise and rough, a wide smile adorning his bruised face once he was able to slice through the sturdy ropes wrapped around his frail ankles.

"Come on! I'm so close!" he exhaled a series of warm breaths, getting slightly tired but not weak enough to give up yet.

"Why do I want to kill him? Isn't it obvious already? I want to see my brother suffer. So much that he'd wish to die as well."

Taehyung didn't intend to eavesdrop any longer but the words just flooded his head, making his chest tighten at the mere thought. Namjoon's resentment had already reached the maximum level. The 'no turning back' one. Taehyung wasn't overjoyed at all, his desire to fix things between the two males now nothing more than a foolish dream he hoped he'd get to accomplish someday. He felt extremely defeated just by hearing the toxic words that slipped past Namjoon's lips.

He tried to drown out his voice as much as he could, focusing only on getting out of there before anything else happened.

"If you think, even for a second, that any of this shit is going to stop me from going back to Yoongi, you're a fucking dumbass, Namjoon-ah." He couldn't help but blurt out his thoughts as he continued slicing through the annoying ropes that seemed to tighten around his skin the more he tried to get rid of them.

Utter anger coursed through his veins,  his hands growing numb from the force applied.

"No. I have to keep going." He encouraged himself, a stern tone echoing in the cold, empty space that surrounded him and drove him crazy for the past few hours.

He was sick of it and couldn't wait to return back to his own home, back in Yoongi's arms.

"Yes!" He let out a relieved sigh once he was able to free himself entirely.

Namjoon's voice could no longer be heard, which gave him the impulse to stand up, wobbling his way to the heavy door, all while supporting himself by placing a shaky hand onto the chipped wall.

He had seen stars with each step closer to the exit, the room spinning around with him the more he pushed himself. His once beautiful hands that Yoongi would praise with each occasion, were now stained with his own blood, bruised and covered in dirt. His soft hair was a disheveled mess. His handsome face was bloody and bruised up after all the punches he had to endure. He was an utter mess, body aching all over as he finally made it to the exit.

Placing a hand over the handle, Taehyung looked out first, hoping that the road was clear and that Namjoon wouldn't get him again. He'd definitely get beaten up again and the thought caused Taehyung's jaw to clench. It was a now or never moment for him so he quickly opened the door, stumbling out of the basement with caution before he made a run for it.

He seemed to be in an abandoned house but he didn't have time to inspect his surroundings, the desire to escape nagging him even more than before. The exit wasn't far.

"I-I'm going to--"

"Escape? I don't think so, rat."

Taehyung gasped as Namjoon stopped him by gripping his collar with immense force, causing him to cough due to his already abused throat getting constricted. He had spun around, twisting Namjoon's arm with the smallest ounce of strength he could muster before he stumbled away again, this time trying his hardest to run. Run like he had never done before.

Namjoon was quick to catch up to him, pulling him back and clamping his hands around his neck, putting more and more pressure. Taehyung's eyes struggled to stay open at that point, all the air escaping his lungs with ease.

"You're not going anywhere!" Namjoon made himself clear but Taehyung wasn't having it. Not in the slightest.

As exhausted as he was, Taehyung had managed to squirm out of Namjoon's grip and tackle him to the ground, laying a few punches of his own across his face.

Too caught up in his raging fit, he hadn't realized that someone pulled him away and into a pair of familiar arms that wrapped around his shaking frame with caution. His eyes widened considerably as the faint scent he had grown to love so much invaded his senses and made him shake harder, quiet sobs erupting after a while of standing there.

"Y-Yoongi?.." his voice was hoarse and painful to hear, breaking Yoongi's heart even more.

He cradled Taehyung's shaking body, whispering sweet words into his ears in hopes of calming him down as Hoseok stepped inside as well, his eyes burning holes into the bloody Namjoon who tried to step away and run off. Hoseok wouldn't let him.

"Where do you think you're going?" His voice came out harsh, and he instantly pulled the other male up, proceeding to give him a piece of his mind for all the things he had done.

Jimin stormed in a few moments later, eyes brimming with hot tears at the miserable state Taehyung was in. He wasted no time and rushed to hug him as well, not minding that Yoongi enveloped both of them in his arms and escorted them outside with caution.

Taehyung wouldn't stop shaking, still clutching Yoongi's shirt with all his might, as if he'd disappear if he were to let go. Jimin hushed him, kissing the top of his head and making sure to let him know that everything was alright.

Despite Yoongi's broken heart and unstable state, he bent down to Taehyung's level and placed a kiss on his forehead. "You're alright now. I'm here."

"I'm here."

A/N finally :')
also, since I decided to publish another taegi book, I will first focus on getting this one done
to those who are curious, it's called 'scar'

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