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The loud rumble of the motorbike shook Taehyung to the core, speed only increasing. His eyes shot open, terrified beyond limit. Yoongi had absolutely no problem with driving through all the cars blocking the way.

His grip around Yoongi's waist tightened, eyes shutting whilst the wind ruffled his hair. He clinged onto the older like his life depended on it, too afraid to look around him.

Yoongi had surpassed the speed limit without a doubt and he felt like his heart might jump out of his chest from all the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Yoongi loved speed. It felt exhilarating each time he'd go faster and faster. He loved it when the wind hit his skin and ruffled his hair. It helped him get over his problems and clear his head.

He could be himself.

It didn't take long before they reached their destination, motorbike coming to an abrupt halt in front of something Taehyung identified as a rink.

He turned to face Yoongi, fearful eyes shot open. "Are we really going to do this?"

Yoongi chuckled and pulled out a cigarette. The brief flash of light illuminated his pale skin as he took a drag, letting the smoke flow through his lips. Taehyung found him beautiful at that moment. Those pretty lips wrapped themselves around the cigarette, grey clouds obscuring his handsome face each time he exhaled softly.

"Why not. Thought it'd be fun." Yoongi rasped out, bringing the younger back to reality.

Taehyung gulped and walked behind Yoongi, fearful eyes scanning all the ice that surrounded them. He really couldn't skate. Last time he had tried to, he nearly broke his leg. Jimin had been making fun of him ever since.

Even the simple thought of embarrassing himself in front of Yoongi was enough to make him want to bolt out of there, but he didn't. He couldn't.

He grasped the railing with trembling hands and looked down. Yoongi nudged him and smiled playfully, finding him extremely adorable.

"I'll teach you, don't worry."

Taehyung forced a smile and watched as the older stepped into the rink, moving around with ease whilst he continued smoking. His movements were graceful and Taehyung couldn't help but stare helplessly, wondering if he could even reach his level.

Yoongi came to a halt in front of him, smiling before gripping his hands. "Let's try skating together."

Just as he said that, Taehyung found himself pressed against Yoongi's body, faces barely a few centimeters away.

"I'm going to fall!" He whined as soon as Yoongi started moving around, having a tight grip on his waist.

"I'm holding you, Taehyung. You won't fall." An airy laugh erupted from Yoongi's throat.

Taehyung couldn't think straight at the time, partly because of Yoongi holding him so close and partly because he was ice skating after such a long time. Despite his awkward position and wobbly legs, he wasn't as scared as he was in the beginning.

He had gained confidence the more he practiced, lips forming a wide smile at his progress. Yoongi gently held onto his hand and pulled him along for a while, loving the way he'd laugh enthusiastically each time he'd manage to move by himself without ending up on the floor.

"Wasn't that hard, was it?" Yoongi smirked and yanked Taehyung's arm, bringing him right into his arms after they stepped out of the rink.

Taehyung tilted his head with a smile despite the fast and irregular pace of his heartbeat, eyes shifting between Yoongi's lips and dark eyes.

"What are you doing, Mr. Min?" He questioned in a playful manner as Yoongi's hands gripped his hips.

"Isn't it obvious?" Yoongi leaned a bit closer and pressed a soft kiss over Taehyung's fading mark.

Taehyung shuddered under the touch, unconsciously clinging onto Yoongi a bit tighter. His head was spinning faster and faster the more Yoongi's lips travelled across his feverish skin.

"What a shame. The pretty mark is gone."

Taehyung let out a groan, secretly hoping he'd get another one.

"Should I give you another one?" Yoongi's voice came out in a low whisper.

Taehyung could do nothing but nod since no words came out. His breathing became uneven as Yoongi's teeth slowly sank into his skin, leaving a clear imprint and another crimson red bruise. He hissed due to the slight pain he had felt but it soon dissipated. Yoongi made sure to soothe the sensitive spot with a kiss, his tongue slightly peeking out.

The grip Taehyung had on Yoongi weakened and his pretty lips parted, his breath becoming visible due to the cold place they were in. Yoongi's kisses made their way upwards, earning a slight grunt from the boy.

"So pretty." He couldn't help but mutter, his lips right above Taehyung's, slightly brushing each other before he mustered enough strength to kiss the younger.

Taehyung had been waiting. Waiting to feel those lips against his own again. He sighed and allowed Yoongi to slip his tongue inside his mouth, kisses becoming more urgent with each passing second.

Taehyung let out a grunt as soon as his broad back made contact with the wall. It was getting hard to breathe for both of them, but neither dared to pull away from the addictive touch of their lips.

Yoongi dug his fingers into Taehyung's waist, his grip tight enough to shatter the whining boy. His emotions resurfaced yet again, causing his heart to beat faster in his chest. The spark of light that was Taehyung made him forget about anything else.

Taehyung gasped against Yoongi's lips, his trembling hands desperate to hold onto something.

He had wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck, hands gripping the leather jacket as tightly as possible whilst the older's lips returned to his sensitive neck.

The sounds that slipped past his lips were beyond embarrassing but he couldn't care any less. Yoongi's teeth slowly grazed his skin, biting down yet again and flicking his hot tongue over the new bruise.

"We should do this more often." He mumbled and pulled away, his dark eyes settled on the panting boy who looked ethereal with his pretty neck all marked up.

Taehyung stared back through half lidded eyes, catching his breath after what had happened.

His swollen lips formed a lazy smile. "We should.."

A/N double update because why not

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