Arrival (Part 1)

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After the Fall of Reach, Y/N and a group of other spartans and ODSTs had managed to escape the planet in an ONI prowler. As you left the atmosphere, you were intercepted by a Covenant corvette and boarded. Although it seemed like you were attempting to save your lives by leaving Reach, what you were really doing was transporting a Forerunner Crystal. An artifact that the Covenant wanted. As the Covenant boarded the prowler, you entered the coordinates for Earth in the slipspace navigational computer in order to escape.

Y/N: I got it!

As you said this you felt the ship lurched as it entered a slipspace portal heading to Earth. The fight was not over however, as right as you were retrieving your Brute shot, plasma bolts streaked in your direction.

You quickly found cover as the fire increased in your direction. But as it died down, you leapt up and opened fire with the brute shot managing to take out an elite as well as 2 grunts. Y/N then quickly left the room to go and secure the Forerunner crystal. As you entered the room you found the crystal to be safe and secure. It did not last however, as you found 3 zealots entering the room with one of them taking aim with the Fuel Rod Cannon. You quickly jumped for cover as the gun fired but instead of hitting you, it bounced off the ground where you were and hit the forerunner crystal.

There was a bright display of light as the crystal exploded covering the whole room in light.

And then complete darkness......



As you awoke you found yourself floating

Looking around you noticed that you were no longer in the ship anymore, but floating in the darkness and emptiness of space.

L/N: This isn't right.....

Rotating and moving further you soon found that you had arrived at your destination, well, not exactly as planned....


You floated for a few minutes taking in its beauty before deciding enough was enough and turned on your communication.

Y/N (over UNSC frequency): This is Sierra 008 with a distress call requesting immediate pickup over

Radio: static....

After a few minutes of attempting to reach the UNSC, Y/N eventually tries broadcasting on all channels.

Y/N: This is Sierra 008 with a distress call requesting immediate pickup over

As I broadcasted this out I could hear some buzzing over the Radio before a voice responded to my distress call.

Radio: This is mission control, you are on a private frequency please stop communicating on said frequency.

Y/N: This is Sierra 008 broadcasting, requesting immediate pickup-

Radio: Goodbye.

As the person on the other side said that, there was a click before all I could hear was static.

Y/N: Well that's great... Time to look for other solutions.

Knowing that Earth has many defense platforms, I decided to look around in all directions searching for one before I found something. It looked to be a space station of some kind, maybe some type of laboratory, and it was close enough for me to get to.

Powering up my thrusters, I sent myself flying towards the station and as it came into view my eyes widened...

The station itself looked exactly like the international space station from the 21st century, no, it had to be.

Sierra: Rainbow Six Siege X Male Spartan ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now