Chapter 22

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About a week had gone by since my confrontation with the Secretary of State. I've spent most of the time training, and also taking care of my gear.

It was now coming to me that being a spartan away from the war is very boring. Right as I was sitting in my locker thinking however, Hibana appeared.

Hibana: Hey Sierra, some of us are going to the beach, want to come?

Y/N: Sure.

Hibana: Ok. We're leaving in 30 minutes, meet us in the parking lot.

She then left, and I got up to go change in my room. Luckily, I wasn't wearing my mjolnir.

*Time Skip*

Myself, and Thatcher, Bandit, Jager, Valkyrie, Blackbeard, Mira, IQ, Zofia, Ela, Hibana, Echo, and Vigil eventually arrived at the beach in a couple of cars.

The group of us then brought all our belongings to the beach and started setting up. There weren't a lot of people at the beach so we basically had a large area all to ourselves.

Myself, Thatcher, Jager, Bandit, and Vigil all sat together in a half circle, looking out at the ocean.

We sat there for a while, watching the waves crash as they reached the shore.

Thatcher: Peaceful ain't it?

Y/N: That's for sure.

As we were talking, Zofia, Hibana, and IQ came over to the group of us.

IQ: We're going to get lunch, anyone want to join?

Vigil: I'll come.

Zofia: Anyone else?

Y/N: I'm down.

Zofia: Ok.

The four of us then made our way over to the boardwalk, and eventually found a burger restaurant and sat down.

Hibana: It sure is nice to get a break every once in a while.

The other operators agreed with this statement, except for myself.

Zofia: What about you Sierra, do you like being off work?

Y/N: To be honest I'd rather be on the battlefield, than sitting back and doing nothing.

Vigil: I can understand that.

The group of us talked for a little bit before our food arrived. Most of us got hamburgers but Zofia and IQ ended up getting salad.

Zofia and myself were sitting at the end of the table while the others talked to each other.

Zofia: Sierra, are you... seeing anyone?

Y/N: Not at the moment, why do you ask?

Zofia: I just heard a rumor that you and Iana know.

Valkyrie. I thought to myself.

Y/N: I see. How about you?

Zofia: To be honest, I haven't had the time for dating as I've been so busy in the military. I have dated off and on but nothing has ever been permanent.

Y/N: Same goes for me, although I've never dated anyone.

Zofia: That can't be true, even I've had time to date. Plus you're-

Zofia's face went red. She didn't finish as she realized what she was saying. I then took advantage of the whole situation.

Y/N: I'm what?

Her face went an even darker shade of red after I asked this.

Zofia: Sierra please forget what I said.

Y/N: What did you say?

She smiled at this.

Y/N: So what did you do before Rainbow?

Zofia: Well I was a second lieutenant as a part of GROM. I have been in the military my whole life basically. And when my sister got the invitation to join team Rainbow, I joined as well. What about you?

Y/N: I don't think you would believe me.

Zofia: Let me guess, special ops?

Y/N: Of sorts.

Zofia: Which country?

Y/N: The UN.

Zofia: The UN doesn't have special forces?

Y/N: As I said, you wouldn't believe me.

Zofia: I guess you're right. But what did you do for the UN exactly?

Y/N: I can't exactly talk about to be honest, but I can say I've spent a lot of my life in space.

Zofia: In space?

Y/N: My armor doubles as a space suit.

Zofia: That explains a lot. 

The group of us eventually finished lunch, and left to head back to the beach.

As we sat down, Hibana spoke:

Hibana: What are you guys talking about?

Thatcher: Six, he's up to something.

Mira: What is he up to?

Thatcher: You know that old stadium? Well Six is having it restored.

Valkyrie: For what purpose?

Zofia: I think I heard something about a tournament.

IQ: Between us?

Zofia: I think it is going to be an attack and defend tournament with different teams all competing.

Mira: Kind of like the olympics then.

Zofia: Sort of, just with guns.

Thatcher: Maybe he will tell us when we get back to base then.

Valkyrie: Hopefully.


The group of us eventually got back to base. I went and put on my mjolnir bodysuit and then headed to my locker to put on my armor.

The process took me about an hour as mjolnir is both hard to put on without equipment, and heavy.

When I finally finished, I inserted Dot's chip into my neural interface.

Dot: Hello Y/N.

Y/N: Hello Dot, do you have anything for me?

Dot: As a matter of fact I do, I believe I can order the parts for a station that will attach your armor to you.

Y/N: That would be nice, but I don't think I have money for that stuff.

Dot: That won't be a problem. Since I'm an AI, I can change freely the amount of money I have at any given time.

Y/N: Seems illegal, but ok. Go ahead.

As Dot and I were talking, Six's voice came through on the intercom:

"Will all operators report to the cafeteria immediately."

I then left the locker room and headed to the cafeteria.

I eventually arrived and found all the operators there, with Six standing on the stage with a tv behind him.

Six: Welcome Everyone! I have a huge announcement for today!

Excited noises were heard from the crowd.

Six: As a couple of you already know, the old nearby stadium has been restored. And we will be using it for an international tournament for team Rainbow!

???: What is the tournament?

Six: Good question. We will have teams attack and defend in separate matches. The team that wins against the others, is the champion team. Now, I will leave it up to you to form teams of five for the tournament.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Suggestions for teams are appreciated.

Sierra: Rainbow Six Siege X Male Spartan Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें