Chapter 21

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After my accidental slip up, I needed to go and let off some steam. Entering my locker I found my brute shot and began sharpening it. After a while, I finished and placed it on my back and decided to head out. As I walked past the windows in the locker room however, I saw lines of black cars that looked to be escorts, parked at the base.

 As I walked past the windows in the locker room however, I saw lines of black cars that looked to be escorts, parked at the base

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A/N: You get the Idea.

What now?

Looking to the side, I found the Russians sitting there.

Y/N: What's going on?

Glaz: I think they're here for you.

Y/N: Why?

Fuze: They probably want your gear-

As we were talking, a group of 3 men in black suits entered the hallway we were in. They were obviously in a hurry, and the group of them was headed straight for the locker room. As they got close to us, Kapkan stepped in front of them.

Kapkan: Where are you three going?

???: Move, before we move you.

The three of them started to act intimidating towards Kapkan, but they failed to see myself and the other Russians.

The other three Russians joined Kapkan by his side, and got in defensive stances. Tachanka then spoke:

Tachanka: If you want to get to us, you're going to have to get past him.

???: Who?

Tachanka then gestured his head for the three of them to turn around.

Tachanka then gestured his head for the three of them to turn around

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A/N: Red vs Blue season 10 ,episode 9

They did, and they found me standing behind them looking down at the three of them with my brute shot attached to my back. I then cracked my knuckles and my neck in an intimidating fashion.

The two men on the outside seemed to be intimidated enough, as they took a step back from me. The one in the middle however didn't and instead threw a punch at me.

I let it collide, and there was an audible crack as his hand broke as it hit my chestplate.

Taking advantage, I punched him with a left hook, sending him flying into the man on the right. I then did a roundhouse kick, and knocked the other man out who was on the left.

I then faced the Russians:

Y/N: What's their deal?

Glaz: I guess negotiations aren't going as planned with Harry, and they are trying to get a hold of your gear behind his back.

Kapkan: You should go to Six's office, we'll stay here and protect your stuff.

Y/N: Very Well.

I then left the four Russians to guard my locker, and walked through the facility to Harry's office.

When I eventually arrived, I found a lot of operators standing outside of Harry's door.

They all stepped out of the way however when they saw me coming through. I eventually reached the door to Six's office, to find 2 men in black suits guarding it. One of them held a microphone up to his mouth and spoke:

???: Target has arrived.

The other man to the left of the door opened it and gestured for me to walk through.

Walking through, I entered Harry's office, and found Harry sitting behind his desk with Mrs. Arnot sitting with him, along with Ash. Also in the office were about ten security guards.

Dot(to me): I guess she came prepared.

Y/N(to Six): Sir.

Six didn't say anything, and instead looked at the Secretary of State.

Mrs. Arnot: Hello again Sierra.

Y/N: Ma'am. How's your neck?

Mrs. Arnot: Better. However I believe we have more important things to discuss.

Y/N: Such as your country trying to take possession of my gear? Because that's not happening.

Mrs. Arnot: As I have said before, and I will say it again. We will eventually have possession of your gear and weapons.

Y/N: That's not happening.

Mrs. Arnot: It will, if you do not turn over all equipment used by yourself. I will shut down team Rainbow.

This clearly confused Ash, whose face showed it.

Ash: What?! That wasn't part of the deal! You said-

Mrs. Arnot put her hand up, silencing Ash.

Mrs. Arnot: So what will it be Sierra? Your equipment, or your team?

I felt all the eyes in the room fall on me after she finished.

Y/N: As I have stated before Ma'am, my equipment belongs to myself and myself alone. Not only am I wearing very important and costly UNSC hardware, but under ONI section II, under no circumstances is my armor to fall into enemy hands. And for you to be so naive as to believe to think that I would willingly hand over my equipment, then you are sure as hell wrong Ma'am.

The room was dead quiet after my response. Six and Ash both started rubbing their faces in a stressed way, while Mrs. Arnot seemed to be pissed.

Mrs. Arnot: I'm tired of you citing organizations that do not exist! There is no "united nations space command" and there is no "office of naval intelligence"! You are not fooling anybody!

Y/N: As I have stated before Ma'am, if you want me to divulge any information about myself then you are going to have to go to the UN.

Mrs. Arnot then got up, and stormed out of Six's office along with her security detail.

Dot(to everyone): Hopefully that's the last of her.

Ash and Six both looked at me in a confused manner, and I then exited Six's office.

When I was outside of Six's office I found most of the operators standing there, staring at me.

Y/N: What are all you looking at?

The group of them then dispersed, and I then headed back to my locker.

A/N: Thanks for reading!

Sierra: Rainbow Six Siege X Male Spartan ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now