The Mystery

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Arriving back at base, we exited the helicopter to find Six waiting for us.

Six: Good Job handling the hostage situation. Head back in and rest.

As I walked past Six I could feel his eyes looking over my armor. He was probably not used to seeing this much blood on someone. After I walked past him I heard Ash talk to him from behind me.

Six: Ash, what the hell happened to him?

Ash: *Hesitant* Six we need to talk, I need to know who he is.


When I arrived at my room I decided that I should clean my gear, and that a shower wouldn't hurt.

Mjolnir armor weighs more than half a ton, meaning that it took me a while to get it off.

Once I had it off however, I was in my undersuit.

I then proceeded to clean off all the blood from it, which didn't take a while, before I heard a knock on my door.


I opened it to find Doc standing there.

Doc: Hey Sierra, I'm going to have to give you a physical tomorrow at 9:00 if that works for you.

Y/N: That works fine, see you then.

As I was closing the door I heard another voice that I recognized as Iana's. Turning around I found her standing there in what looked to be yoga pants and a t-shirt.

Iana: Sierra?

Y/N: Yes?

Iana: ...I'm sorry, I'm just not used to seeing you out of armor.

Y/N: No problem, is there a reason you wanted to talk to me?

Iana: Well umm.. Can I come in?

Y/N: Yea sure.

As she walked through the door I looked down to see that she was very THICC, and her yoga pants only emphasized her THICCness.

As she walked through the door I looked down to see that she was very THICC, and her yoga pants only emphasized her THICCness

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She walked over to where my armor was and bent over to look at it.

Iana: So Sierra, how long can you wear the armor, before you need to participate in your body's natural functions?

Y/N: Well, I could wear the armor for years without taking it off as it recycles human waste.

As I was talking Iana advanced towards me until I could feel her breath. She then started rubbing her sides, seductively, and licking her lips.

Iana: Well, what about the other kind of human waste, the kind that men produce?


We were interrupted by a knock at the door so I walked over and opened it to find Six standing there with paper in his hands.

Six: Hello Sierra, I'm going to need you to fill out this mission report. You too Iana, I'll need it by tomorrow morning.

Sierra: Rainbow Six Siege X Male Spartan ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now