Chapter 12

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Once we arrived back in England, we got a ride back to the base. Six greeted us, and we informed him on what happened. He said we did a good job, and we were free to go on with our lives.

It was about 4 in the morning, so instead of going to sleep, I headed to the training room.

When I got there, I noticed the zero gravity chamber is still there, so I decided to give it a try.

Stepping inside, the zero gravity turned on, and I was floating in the chamber. The chamber itself is made of glass and is about 30x30 ft.

I floated around and did various zero gravity exercises, before I activated the training simulation.

Instantly, 5 hologram enemies wearing spacesuits appeared, and started firing on my location. I shot 2 of them, before propelling myself at them and doing a 360 in midair, and killing the remaining 3.


For the next 3 hours I did various exercises and training simulations in zero gravity, before calling it a day. The enemies that were simulated were not very tough, and the room could only fit 20 of them before it started to get crowded. That was hardly a challenge, I had gone through an entire covenant cruiser full of grunts, jackals, elites, and hunters before.

After finishing up, I decided to head to the cafeteria to get breakfast. When I arrived, I found most of the operators already there.

I quickly grabbed my food and sat down at an empty table by myself to eat.

Taking off my helmet, I noticed a lot of operators were glancing over at me as they ate their meal. I simply ignored these stares and started eating my breakfast.

Iana: Hey Sierra.

I looked over to see Iana walking over to my table with her food.

Iana: Mind if I sit here?

Y/N: No ma'am.

She then sat down across from me, and started eating breakfast.

Iana: I heard about what happened yesterday, I can't believe you were able to beat Thermite, Lion, and Oryx in a fight!

Y/N: They gave it their all, that's for sure.

Iana: Please! You made them look like new recruits!

Y/N: Well they kind of deserved it.

Iana: That's for sure. Say, Sierra, I need to ask you something.

Y/N: What?

Iana: Well-

"Will Operator Sierra Report to my Office at Once."

Y/N: I have to go, you can ask me later.

Iana: Ok

I then left the cafeteria headed to Six's office.

I eventually arrived at Six's office and knocked on his door.


Six: Come in!

I opened the door and walked in to find Six sitting behind his desk with a short black woman in a suit sitting down in a chair in front of his desk.

Six: Hello Sierra, I would like you to meet Aurelia Arnot, the current US Secretary of State, and former leader of Team Rainbow.

She turned around, and seemed to be slightly taken back by my appearance. She looked over my armor from head to toe, before looking up at my visor. I then extended my hand out.

Y/N: Ma'am.

Mrs. Arnot(shaking my hand): It's a pleasure to meet you Sierra, I've heard a lot about you.

She then sat back down, with me standing, looking at Six who is sitting behind his desk.

Y/N(to Six): Is there a reason you called me here Sir?

Mrs. Arnot: Actually there is. Sierra, Six here tells me not only were you able to break into the international space station, but you also refuse to reveal any info about yourself.

Y/N: That is correct Ma'am.

Mrs. Arnot: Well, as US Secretary of State, I would like you to tell us this information, so this matter can be settled.

Y/N: I'm afraid I can't do that Ma'am.

Mrs. Arnot: And under whose authority dictates you cannot?

Y/N: Under UNSC Spartan protocol 23-1, under no circumstances are we to reveal any information about the UNSC to anyone outside of the UNSC.

Mrs. Arnot: And by UNSC, I suppose you mean the United Nations Security Council.

Y/N: No Ma'am.

Mrs. Arnot: Then what do you mean by UNSC?

Y/N: The United Nations Space Command.

A/N: Sorry for a short chapter. I'm trying to go more into how Y/N is from another dimension from the future. Thanks for reading! This is the #4 story on #rainbowsixsiege!

Sierra: Rainbow Six Siege X Male Spartan ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now