Chapter 14

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Iana: So you're telling me you trained in zero gravity?

After my fight with Kapkan, I went to get lunch, and ended up sitting with Iana again.

Y/N: Yes.

Iana: And how did you end up doing that?

Y/N: Well myself and a couple dozen other recruits were given special armor, such as my own, and specially trained.

Iana: What else can you tell me about it?

Y/N: That's really all I can tell you.

Iana: Where are most of them now?

At this question, my eyes dropped somewhat. Most spartan II's were dead at this point in the war, with only a handful probably still alive after reach.

Y/N: Most of us are gone by this point, although a few of us are still around, fighting.

Iana seemed to notice at this point that I was somewhat upset about this, so she grabbed my hand with her own.

Iana: It's ok.

We sat together holding hands for a bit, until I remembered I had something I wanted to do this afternoon.

Y/N(leaving): I have to go.

Iana: Ok.

Iana POV

As Sierra left I felt a mix of emotions within, with most of them telling me that I don't want him to leave.

Hibana: Iana come sit with us.

I looked over to see a few of the female operators sitting at a table looking over at me. I then got up and sat with all of them.

Valkyrie: Look at you! Making the first moves on Sierra.

Iana: Shut Up! We were just - just talking, That's all.

Twitch: Talking, as in you trying to get in his pants.

At this comment, a collective noise came from the group of female operators:


IQ: I think he's a dick.

Hibana: What makes you say that?

IQ: Well he's beaten up Meghan, along with Oryx, Thermite, and Lion, and he told a terrorist to kill Ash!

This caused the group of us to be shocked.

Valkyrie: Eliza is this true?

Ash completely ignored Valkyrie when she asked this, and continued to eat her lunch.

Zofia: It is true, I was there. Sierra did kill the terrorist however before he could kill her.

Ash then left the group of us and walked off after Zofia said this.

Iana: He was somewhat justified in his actions Monika. I mean, Thermite, Oryx, and Lion tried to kill him, and the reason he hurt you Meghan is because you stole from him.

IQ: I guess you're right, but it doesn't change that he acts all mysterious.

Valkyrie: That's for sure. Did you see how mad Six was after their confrontation! She never got mad!

At this point in the conversation I left. As I was walking out of the room, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side. I recognized the person as Ash.

Iana: What are you doing!

Ash: *shh* I need to talk to you.

Iana: About what?

Sierra: Rainbow Six Siege X Male Spartan ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now