Chapter 20

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Since my dorm was pretty much destroyed by secret service agents, Iana offered to let me sleep in her room. I took her up on her offer and we were just entering her dorm.

Walking in, her dorm was average with a tv, bed, computer, and bathroom.

Iana: I only have one bed so we'll have to share.

Y/N: It's fine Ma'am, I usually sleep on the floor anyways

Iana seemed to be somewhat surprised by this.

Iana: Why not sleep on a bed?

Y/N: My armor is comfortable, plus it provides me with everything I need.

Iana: Wait, so you mean that you sleep in your armor?

Y/N: Yes.

Iana: Well that's a shame, I was looking forward to having some fun.

After she said this I merely looked at her before walking to the corner of the room and sitting down.

Iana: Oh come on! I need to have some fun every once in a while.

Dot(to Me): Come on Sierra, it wouldn't be the first time you did something like this.

Y/N(to Dot): Dot...

Dot: All I'm saying is you gave her a massage in the middle of the woods. I think what she's asking isn't too far out of the question.

At this point Iana had left and went to take a shower. She eventually finished, and came out of the bathroom wearing a towel. I did notice however that she was trying to seduce me, as she kept flashing parts of her body at me.

She then went back and changed into pajamas and then went and laid in bed.

She eventually fell asleep, and I also drifted off.

*Time Skip*

I woke up later than usual, around 8, and found that I was the only person in Iana's dorm. I then got up and started stretching, and as I was doing so, the door to Iana's room opened.

Looking over, I saw Valkyrie standing in the doorway looking at me with a shocked look on her face.

Y/N: Is everything alright Ma'am?

Valkyrie: Could be better.

She then slammed the door to Iana's dorm.

I then took my helmet off and sat it on Iana's desk, along with Dot's AI chip. Dot then appeared on Iana's desk.

 Dot then appeared on Iana's desk

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Y/N: What's her deal?

Dot: Y/N you need to understand that the operators here are very competitive.

Y/N: Meaning?

Dot: Meaning that a fair amount of them are competing for you.

This made me stop and think, before responding.

Y/N: You mean to say that the female operators are trying to court me?

Dot: Yes, as you know team Rainbow is a very competitive team where only the best of the best are at. And it is becoming clear to other operators, especially the female ones, that you are the best.

Y/N(sighs): This place just keeps getting better and better.

Dot: It doesn't help that there isn't a clear ranking structure either. At least with ONI you knew who was in charge. Here it's just Six, and then all the foreign leaders that put pressure on him.

Y/N: That's for sure.

As Dot and I were talking, the door to Iana's room opened, and she walked in carrying a brown bag.

Iana: I was wondering when you would get up, I went out to get breakfast. Do you want any?

Y/N: Sure.

Iana started going through the food, when I noticed that she was looking at Dot's AI chip.

Iana: What's that?

Y/N: Data Chip.

Iana: Hmm. Here you go.

She then handed me a donut and we then sat down.

Iana: What are you doing for the rest of the day?

Y/N: I don't know. I haven't had as much to do ever since I arrived on this Earth.

Iana: What do you mean by this Earth?

In that moment, I realized that I had slipped up, and accidentally given Iana a clue that I'm from another dimension.


Iana POV

Sierra: I don't know. I haven't had as much to do ever since I arrived on this Earth.

What? What does he mean by this Earth?

Questions like this one raced through my mind as I thought about what he said. Ever since I had met him something had been off, especially how he arrived at the ISS without an explanation as to how he got there. It's as if he just appeared out of nowhere.

Iana: Sierra what are you not telling me?

He then slowly looked up at me, and we made eye contact. His eyes almost seemed to tell his whole life, as they showed pain, suffering, yet at the same time anger, and regret.

Sierra: You will know the truth eventually Iana. And when the truth comes out, the world will never be the same again.

He then stood up and left, leaving me to sit there and contemplate what he just said.


Iana: Come in!

The door opened and Ash walked in.

Iana: Hey Eliza, what is it?

Ash: I need to talk to you.

Iana: About what?

Ash: About Sierra. Almost every connection I have in high level intelligence agencies are contacting me about him.

Iana: Let me guess, they want his gear and to know who he is.

Ash: Exactly, not only that, but when we found him after the crash he was perfectly fine and unharmed.

Iana: Now that's strange.

Ash: To say the least, we also found out he somehow has an actual working AI.

Iana: What?! Are you sure?

Ash: Yes. She called herself Dot, and she somehow fit inside a small chip he keeps in the back of his helmet.

I thought back to the data chip Sierra had with him.

Iana: I think I saw that chip this morning.

Ash: Where?

Iana: I let him sleep in my room, and we just ate breakfast together.

Ash: Did, do anything?

Iana: What?

I then figured out what Ash was asking.

Iana: NO! He just slept on the floor, kind of a shame though.

Ash: Well ,um, did you learn anything about him?

Iana: Something strange happened before he left, he kind of referred to team Rainbow like it's retirement, almost like what we do here is easy for him. But the thing that really stuck out is when he referred to Earth like there's more of them.

Ash: What do you mean?

A/N: Thanks for reading!

Sierra: Rainbow Six Siege X Male Spartan ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now