Chapter 16

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Iana and myself had built a campsite of sorts with a fire in the middle and places for us to sleep. I however did not sleep at all, and instead kept watch as Iana slept.

It was about 6 in the morning when the sun came up.

Dot: Sleep well Y/N?

Y/N: Not really, have you got anything for me?

Dot: As a matter of fact I do, I have accessed the internet and have verified what you have told me so far.

Y/N: And what do you think I should do?

Dot: I would recommend you stay in the position you are in. If we are not able to get back to our dimension you will likely be met with 2 options.

Y/N: Which are?

Dot: The first is you reveal who you are to the world, and live the rest of your life answering questions and being some sort of inter dimensional ambassador for the UNSC.

Y/N: And the second?

Dot: You never reveal yourself to the world, and eventually go on to live a civilian life.

I thought of doing just that for a bit. A fellow Spartan-II, Maria-062, had retired and from what I had heard had gone on to have a family. The thought of the Human-Covenant war coming to an end had never crossed my mind before. And especially the thought of myself going into retirement.

Y/N: What do you think Dot?

Dot: Based on your encounter last night, I can see why you would consider retirement. But ultimately, the decision comes down to you.

As I was sitting there talking to Dot inside my helmet, I noticed that Iana had finally woken up and sat against the base of a tree.

Y/N: Sleep well?

Iana: I've had better. What now?

Y/N: Now we head back to base.

*Time Skip because I'm lazy*

When Iana and Myself got back to base we went our separate ways with her going to her dorm, while I instead went to the cafeteria to grab lunch.

I received even more stares than I usually got while I entered the cafeteria, people are probably wondering what my new gravity hammer is.

I quickly got some food and sat down at an empty table. As I was sitting down, Thatcher, Jager, Bandit, and Vigil came over to me.

Thatcher: Mind if we sit with you Sierra?

Y/N: Go ahead.

They all sat around me with their food at the lunch table. I took my helmet off and sat it next to me, and I then took the nuke off my back plate and sat it next to myself on the table.

Bandit: What the hell is that?

Y/N: You don't wanna know.

Thatcher: I tell you Sierra, you're gonna give Sledge a run for his money with that hammer you got with you.

I nodded at this, and went on to eat my lunch.

When I finished lunch, I headed to my locker so I could store my new 'weapons' there.

I placed the nuke on my workbench, and as I was placing my gravity hammer on the wall, the intercom came to life:

"Operators Sledge, Ash, Ela, Hibana, and Sierra report to my office immediately for deployment."

I quickly grabbed my SMG, as well as my magnum, and attached the gravity hammer to my back. I also grabbed 2 grenades and then left my locker headed to Six's office.

When I got there I found Sledge ready to go so we had to wait for everyone else.

Sledge(holding his hammer): Want to compare sizes?

I pulled the gravity hammer off my back and held it. The gravity hammer is much bigger than Sledge's hammer to say the least.

Y/N: I win.

Eventually the other operators arrived at Six's office. Ash came running in and jumped when she saw me wielding my gravity hammer facing her.

Y/N: Are you ok ma'am?

Ash: Yes. Please don't scare me like that again.

I nodded my head and turned to face Six.

Six: It looks like everyone's here so I'm going to get started. This is one of the most important missions Team Rainbow is ever going to undertake. The white masks have taken control of a cargo train transporting natural gas in Virginia that is headed straight for Washington D.C. If the train reaches DC they are going to detonate the train which will effectively destroy America's capital. Your mission is to board the train and stop it before it reaches the city. Keep in mind that news crews will be watching you during the mission. Any questions?

Everyone: .....

Six: Good. A plane will fly you to the US and a helicopter will transport you there. Go now.

The team of us then left and headed to the airport.

*Time Skip*

The other operators and myself had flown over to the US from England, and then we all got in a helicopter that would drop us onto the train.

Y/N(in helmet): Have you got any information about the mission?

Dot: Yes. Two hours ago a US special forces team tried to board the train. They failed as there are multiple terrorists defending the train from attack. Our best choice is to try and separate the front locomotives from the rest of the cars and then take care of the terrorists.

Y/N: Where should we land?

Dot: There are terrorists in boxcars that we need to eliminate before we can stop the train. There is a flatcar in the middle that we can board first then move up from there.

Y/N: Ok.

Pilot: We are coming up on the train now!

I looked out from my seat in the helicopter to see our objective

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I looked out from my seat in the helicopter to see our objective. There were several news helicopters flying around it, and on the train were a couple of visible white masks. I spotted some of them sitting in box cars shooting at nearby civilians the train passed by.

Y/N(to pilot): You need to drop us off in the middle of the train.

Pilot: I'll do my best.

The helicopter matched the speed of the train, and it hovered over a boxcar in the middle of it. I didn't rapel from the helicopter and instead jumped onto a boxcar.

Pulling out my SMG, I got in a defensive position while trying to keep my balance as the rest of the squad rappeled around me.

Ash: Let's move.

A/N: Thanks for reading!

Sierra: Rainbow Six Siege X Male Spartan ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now