Meeting Six

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As I was standing before Iana as well as the 2 other women, I had to come up with something to say before anything bad would happen.

Y/N: My callsign is Sierra 008 and I hold the rank of Petty Officer Second Class, may I ask who you 2 are?

The 3 women in front of me seemed to contemplate what I said before responding:

???: My Name is Meghan but my codename is Valkyrie and this here is Emma, aka twitch, and we are a part of a special operations team called Rainbow.

Twitch(whispering to valkyrie): Do you think Six knows who he is?

Valkyrie(whispering back to twitch): Probably, if Harry sent us to pick up Iana, it can't be a coincidence that he is here as well.

Twitch(still whispering): Should we take him back to base then?

Valkyrie: Yes.

Although they thought that I couldn't hear them they were mistaken, one of the augmentations spartans received was improved hearing, meaning that I heard their whole conversation.

Valkyrie: We can give both of you a ride back to base, is there anything else you need before we leave?

Both me and Iana shook our heads

*Time skip with you and Iana sitting in the backseat of Valkyrie's truck while the other 3 glance in your direction off and on*


When you finally arrived at the destination you weren't impressed to say the least, although this is probably what a military facility would have looked like in the 21 century. All the buildings and walls were brick, and the entrance had a sign on it that said Hereford Base.

As the truck drove deeper into the base you saw many servicemen training and exercising until the truck finally came to a stop and the others got out.

Iana POV

When I finally got out of the car I noticed a friendly looking woman with red hair waiting for us to get out.

???: My name is Eliza but my codename is Ash, you must be Iana, it's a pleasure to meet you

Iana: Thankyou

As we were talking the other car door opened and Sierra stepped out wielding the cannon he usually has on his back.

Ash: Who is that?


Once you arrived you stepped out of the truck with your brute shot in hand.

This seemed to spook the others who jumped a little before you put it on your back and stepped towards them.

Twitch: "This is Sierra, he arrived on the shuttle with Iana so we brought him back with us since Six said that we are picking up who arrives on the shuttle"

The other girl with them seemed to look at me contemplating before turning around.

???: Follow me, we can go to Six and get both of you sorted out


As we made our way into the facility we started to pass more so-called operators who are a part of Team Rainbow. A lot of them greeted Iana and most looked at me with the same expression the others gave when they met me. As we went through the main building we passed by the dorms, the cafeteria, and a locker room type of place where each operator received a 10 x 10 caged area for their gear.

We eventually arrived at an office titled 'administration' where the others entered and had me wait outside.

I waited for about 25 minutes and received numerous glances from operators passing by which I ignored until I was asked to come inside the office.

When I entered there was a younger man sitting behind a desk with the other 4 women who I had met today.

He seemed very interested in my appearance and studied me from head to toe before standing up and extending his hand.

???: It is nice to meet you Sierra, I have heard a lot about you. My name is Six.

I looked at his hand for a little bit before accepting it.

Y/N: Likewise Sir.

This seemed to visibly relax the other occupants of the room including 'Six', who sat back down.

Six: So tell me Sierra, how did you manage to arrive at the International Space Station?

Y/N: That's classified Sir.

Six: Oh really, well under whose authority?

Y/N: Under my authority until I deem it appropriate to release any information about myself Sir.

Six: I see, well I must admit it is a feat for someone to break into the international space station. A feat which we here at Team Rainbow look for-

Ash: Harry you can't possibly offer this man a position! We don't know anything about him!

Harry: Eliza it is time we be more open when it comes to accepting new members for Team Rainbow, and I think Sierra here obviously has what it takes. Now Sierra, how would you like to join us here at team Rainbow?

I had to contemplate what he was offering before I decided to join, but this does seem like the best possible option for my current situation.

Y/N: I would like that very much Sir.

Six: Fantastic, we can get the paperwork sorted out tomorrow, for now we will get yourself and Iana situated. Eliza could you please show them to their dorms.

With that we left Six's office and started towards the dorm area. Valkyrie and Twitch left while Ash guided us through the base to the dorm area. Once we turned a corner away from Six's office Ash turned around and looked directly up at me:

Ash: Listen, I don't know who the hell you are or where you came from, but if you are going to be on this team you need to know that respect is not given, it is earned, and that right now I don't have a shred of respect for you. You got that!

Y/N: ....

Ash: You think you're so tough hiding behind that mask, well we'll see who you really are once that mask comes off eventually.

She then turned around and continued to lead us to our dorms.

Iana seemed frightened by Ash's speech, and she kept glancing over at me as we kept walking.

Eventually we arrived at our dorms, with mine being on the right and Iana's being right across the hall from mine.

The dorms were pretty spacious with a bedroom and a bathroom. The bed obviously wouldn't work as with my armour on I weighed about half a ton, so I would have to sleep on the floor, which wasn't a problem.

After checking out the dorm I sat down with my back against the wall and fell asleep, waiting for what this new world would present tomorrow.

A/N: Thanks for reading!

Sierra: Rainbow Six Siege X Male Spartan ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now