Arrival (Part 2)

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Iana POV

After meeting the strange person he left me as it seemed like he had something to do. I stood there contemplating before pulling out my phane and checking on when the shuttle would arrive to pick me up. It said that it would arrive in 5 minutes and that it is controlled from mission control so I wouldn't have to do anything.

A thought crossed my mind however which was: how was he going to get back to Earth? I better go let him know.

As I traversed the station I could make out a scraping noise that continued to get louder and louder.

If I was not intimidated before, I was definitely intimidated now.

Sitting on the floor was the same man from before but he was sharpening his blade that was attached to the huge cannon which he usually had attached to his back.

As I got closer and closer the scraping noise seemed to be all that I could hear anymore and eventually he stopped sharpening his blade and looked over at me.

I had seemed to have lost my voice yet again as the man looked over at me expectantly.

"uh... a sh-shuttle will be here in a few minutes if you want to leave w-with me"

He seemed to contemplate these words yet again before nodding and placing the giant gun and his back.

After he did this I released a breath that I didn't even know I was holding before turning around and heading towards the airlock.


After finding out I had time travelled, I tried to calm myself by sharpening my brute shot, it had always been therapeutic for me in times of stress.

Eventually the woman from before returned and told me that a shuttle was coming to pick us up and asked if I wanted to leave the station which I immediately agreed to.

We were now making our way towards the airlock with me following behind.

Believe it or not there was actually a shuttle waiting that would take us back to earth.

I found a place to sit and placed the brute shot on my lap and waited for the woman who entered the ship with a spacesuit on.

Once we were both strapped in the ship left the airlock and began the journey towards earth.

Valkyrie POV

Six had sent myself and Twitch to pick up the new operator, Iana, after she got back from space on some sort of science expedition.

"So what do you know about her?" I asked Twitch

Twitch: "I think she has a gadget luke alibi's that is a hologram"

Valkyrie: "What is the difference?"

Twitch: "I'm pretty sure it is able to move around and has a camera that can reveal enemy positions"

As we were talking we noticed the shuttle coming in to land so we headed in the direction where it would stop. The shuttle eventually landed on the runway and came to a stop in front of the hangers.

As we approached the front of the shuttle a small door opened and a ladder extended to the ground. A woman who looked to be albino then stepped out of the aircraft and approached us.

Twitch: "Hello, you must be Iana, my codename is Twitch but you can call me Emma. And she is Valkyrie"

Iana: "Thank you, but there was someone else-"

As she was speaking another person exited the spacecraft. As I looked over I was frightened to say the least.

Twitch: "Who.... Is that?"


The ride down from the ISS was comfortable compared to my other excursions. As we landed the girl with me leapt up and opened the door to exit the shuttle very quickly. I soon followed and saw that she was talking to 2 other girls next to the shuttle. As I studied them I could almost instantly tell that they were military, and that they were also frightened by my presence.

As I neared them I overheard their conversation with my advanced hearing:

???: Who is that?

Iana: I don't know

???: Are they a part of Team Rainbow?

???: Maybe.

As I approached I looked down on all 3 of them as I was more than 7 feet tall and could easily read expressions of fright on all their faces

???: Who are you?

A/N: well that's the end of the second chapter, thanks for reading

Sierra: Rainbow Six Siege X Male Spartan ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now