The Mystery Continues

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Iana POV

I was leaving my dorm when I looked across the hall to see Ash entering Sierra's dorm.

Iana: Ash what are you doing!

This startled her as she spun around to face me.

Ash: Please don't tell Sierra, I was just- I wanted to learn more about him so I thought I could find more information in his dorm.

Iana: Are you crazy? Did you hear what he did to Valkyrie when he found out she stole from his dorm?

Ash: I know. I just need to know who he is, don't you want to?

Iana: Of Course I do! I just think you're going about this the wrong way, that's not to say I disagree with what you're trying to do.

Ash: So you'll help me?

Iana: Yes.

Ash: Ok.

We both then snuck into Sierra's room. Ash went to the back of the room where Sierra's armor was and I went over to the cabinets in his room.

Ash: Find anything?

As I looked around I found what looked to be his dog tags.

Iana: Yes.

Ash: Let me see.

We both looked over the dog tags. The first one was his general information:


S-008 O POS



The other one was different as it had a planet with an eagle standing over it with the words UNSC printed.

The other one was different as it had a planet with an eagle standing over it with the words UNSC printed

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Ash: What does UNSC mean?

Iana: I was thinking United Nations Security Council, but I don't think they have special forces. At Least not at Sierra's caliber.

Ash: Well, we know that his real name is Y/N, and that he was a part of an organization called the UNSC. Anything else?

Iana: What about his armor?

Walking over to his armor, Ash tried to pick up his helmet, only for her to utterly fail.

Ash: What the hell?!?! This helmet weighs almost a hundred pounds!

Iana: Here let me try.

I picked it up as well, but it was really heavy so I sat it down after a few seconds.

Iana: You're right it is heavy.

As I looked around some more I noticed an object.

Iana: Hey Ash what's this?

Ash: I think that's what Valkyrie and IQ stole. Any idea what it is?

Iana: It looks like some sort of electronic device.

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